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Logs from Vermont. USA

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 04:34 am
by Guest

11/13/04 2246-2253z 6955AM SINPO:45434
Techno/Dance Mx Faded @ 2253z to 25222

Undercover Radio
11/13/04 2231-2245z 6925AM SINPO:33222
Cydonian Martians warning us not to send any ships to Mars, using a
reverb on
the voice.
Faded out here at 2245 so I went to 6955.Also SSB QRM.
2255-2305z Hypnotherapy type voice telling us to beware Commander

Radio First Termer
11/16/04 2224-2245z 6925USB SINPO:34323
Story about GI & Prostitute
"There is no Black power. There is no White power. There is only Rabbit

Channel Z Radio
11/16/04 2233-2251z 6951AM SINPO:43324
B-52's Rock Lobster and other B-52 tunes.
Nice signal with fades and QRM.
Getting noisier by 2245z then went QRT in the middle of a tune.
Gotta love coming home from work and there are two pirates on!
ID'ed via from op: Channel Z Radio

Recieved a QSL sheet with a bumper sticker for
a reception report for a show on 9/19/04.
Many thanks Annie & Fred! Hope to hear you folks again.

Radio First Termer
11/20/04 2140z+ 6925USB SINPO:25333
60's Mx clear but Dave Rabbit kinda diffcult to make out.

Undercover Radio
11/20/04 2140-0338z 6920AM SINPO:54555
Music, some kind of message but there is an effect on the voice, sounds
Martian! Message from the 4th planet to the 3rd Planet. Cydonian
martians at
2151z. Very cool music. I haven't heard a pirate this strong in quite a
2215z Hypnotherapy- Must kill Commander bunny!
2335z Back on with Latin Mx and announcers. SINPO: 45444
0018z "Don't let them see us. Don' tell'em what we are doing"
0026z William S Burrows story about Heroin
Playing KIPM Legend of tiamat pt. 1
0212z SINPO:15331
0238z SINPO:35333
0248z SINPO:45334
0300z SINPO:14321 UTE QRM
0305 ID SINPO:45334
0319 Message from Mars
0338 Still there but very weak.
Dr Benway going all out tonight!

11/20/04 2140-0000z 6955AM SINPO:45434
Heard here at 2143 with a Radio Metallica show
2002 Winterfest Retrospective
2304 f00k the GD eithopians!
8th anniversary show...
Captain Ganja phonecall.
2324 Story of the Alexander Ash roid creme ad, then the ad.
2327 CBC freq change
2329 DX Survivor
2355 Steve Anderson stuff
0000 QRT with Zeller

11/21/04 2243z 6925AM SINPO:44434
JB feeling oxycellent, Moe Brownyard speech,Captain Ganja. Earlier
glitch was
he needed to eat supper. 2304z testing 5K BW- my reciever is set at 9K
but with
the fade I can't hear any difference in the speech or the Floyd.
Started the set with "Asshole from El Paso" which I think is Dr. Dirty?
50c tune.
JB trying 2K BW but it's tough to tell.
Unable to copy after 2350z

Captain Morgan or relay?
11/22/04 0100-0152z 6925AM SINPO:34233
Austin Powers sound bites, Twilight zone theme and music. Best I've
heard this

11/23/04 2245-2256z 6925AM SINPO:54445
Brownyard family Christmas show from 1999.
Classic Christmas tunes mixed in. JB declaring the Holiday/Pirate
season is now
open! He said he might try to get back on in an hour or so....
Killer signal!

11/24/04 2057z 6925USB SINPO:35333
Relay of Old Farts Thanksgiving show...
Better at 2122z switched to AM,SINPO:45344

11/24/04 2245-2307z 6925USB SINPO:24332
LSB QRM and a bit of noise.

RMWW Relay
11/24/04 2350z 6925USB SINPO:35333
Mx and some announcement about 6955, lots of bad language!

11/25/04 1320z 6925USB SINPO:35343
Old Turkey Radio Good signal but we have summer like condx here with
Earliest I've ever logged a pirate!

11/25/04 1400-1514z 6925AM SINPO:45344
It's like summer here and there is a storm front coming thru so I've
got heavy
static crashes. Other than that, a beautiful signal as always!
show with a bit of background on WHYP and JB. Cousin Moe, scooter
story, pirate
news and some football predictions. Very nice show JB!

11/25/04 1400-1514z 6925am SINPO:45344
Huge fades from s4 to s9 on my dipole.
Good to hear you back on the air this Thanksgiving morning!

11/26/04 2305-0010z 6925AM SINPO:23322
I heard JB sign on then nothing until 0005z at which time I heard the
part of the show and the SINPO came to 53444. Then he went QRT :(
Never heard WBMR or The Crystal Ship but there was a het at times....

11/28/04 2030-2100z 6925AM SINPO:55555
Abe Brownyard with the Happy Hanukkah show, CW ID at QRT.
2101z Station came on and said "Good signal in Southern Ontario" and he
the programming. Then another station came on and said JB was good into
michagan as well. Heard a "whistler" in there as well.

11/28/04 2034-2046z 6955AM SINPO:35333
Good signal but the audio sounds a bit muffled at times.
Caught a news segment, something about finding someone ugly enough to

Ann Hoffer
11/28/04 2112-2114z 6925USB SINPO:45444
Another live show singing: "I Love Marijuana" and having Krispy join
in. Saying
hi to all the pirates.

11/28/04 2130z 6925USB SINPO:25322
Seen some logs for this station but never had a copy till tonight.
but ok copy when he comes out of the fades.....something about a

Mystery Radio
11/28/04 2212z 6220AM SINPO:23222
2212z Bee Gee's "Staying Alive"
Fades/Noise/UTE QRM the usual logging for this guy

11/28/04 2221-2349z 6925AM SINPO:55445
Opening with a CW ID
WJAM relay, now I know where the Pablo Picasso bit comes from.
Zack Riot,Uncle Shleckstein. 2340z George Z. bites,

11/28/04 2255-2243z 6925USB SINPO:33333
I can't tell if its SSB or AM! Good copy LSB or USB but no joy AM.
Zepplin 2318z, Het from China and I heard a guy in French talking to

11/28/04 1456z 6925AM SINPO:45434
1460 "On the Run" Col. Steve Anderson program.
Beautiful signal as usual JB!

11/29/04 2235-2305z 6925AM SINPO:55434
My favorite JB creation: Rootbeer Madness!
Nice signal as usual with some deep fades tonight.
USB QSO at 2311z with Captain Ron, Dr.Who and Grasscutter.
Couldn't hear the Captain and JB was drifting all over with his HW101.

Grasscutter Radio
11/29/04 2350z 6925USB SINPO:33333
Best i've heard the Grasscutter! Was in a QSO with a drifty JB, Dr Who
Capt'n Ron before starting the show.
Playing various tunes, Hendrix at 2358z,Nirvana
Weak and killed by lsb qrm at 0030z
By 0045z much better SINPO:44344

11/30/04 2354-0000z 6925USB SINPO:22332
I just caught the end of this
Relay of a WHYP relay of a WMFQ show....

I recieved a QSL/Info sheet and CD ROM from
Dr Benway today for report to

Mystery Radio
12/03/04 2330z 6220AM SINPO:34333
Very strong tonight! Usual UTE QRM tho...

Channel Z
12/4/04 1310z 6951AM SINPO:35433
Channel Z with his Grenade coming in quite well this AM. B-52's

12/5/04 2059-2108z 6950am, SINPO:25222
Anne Bannie and Fearless Fred, Janet Reno Waco barbacue,
ID: Alternative Shortwave

The Crystal Ship
12/8/04 0157 4070AM SINPO:13321
Hearing the Doors. 0208 ID I could make out the signal
but there was ssb QRM

The Crystal Ship
12/8/04 2355-0100z 4070AM SINPO:25322
Tune up around 2330z, At 2355 I had an ok copy SINPO:25322
At 0030z he came up very strong SINPO:45323 and I heard an ID at
0030z and some Phil Collins. By 0100z no copy

12/10/04 2239-2309z 6955AM SINPO:34322
WMPR playing Christmas Mx as only they can! Fades and a bit or QRM from
Better @ 2257z 45334! Great selection of music, signal just keeps
better too.
2307z SINPO:54435!

12/10/04 2350z 6925USB SINPO:25322
Bits from Comedy Central: South Park and Crank Yankers with Bobby

12/11/04 2322z WSTY SINPO:35333
Pink Floyd, 2330 Ride of the Valkeries then into the omppalompa tune
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
A Break then back on at 2335

Pink Floyd this AM....
12/12/04 1348-1430z 6955AM SINPO: 35323
Started out at 14324 but near the end of the broadcast the signal was
good! 1410z "Us and Them".

12/12/04 2025-2057z 6925AM SINPO:45434
WAZU with a killer signal! Master Master blaster radio ad, Test of the
emergency Wally Gainer system, Al Quida spoof and a callin from Buck
who wants
Annie to bring crisco www.compu****.com ad. Signal had faded quite a
bit by the
end of the broadcast SINPO:34323

Grasscutter Radio
12/12/04 2104z 6925USB SINPO:35323
Grasscutter with a nice signal tonight, La Bamba @ 2127z
Some fading
Hearing another station possibly playing Floyd @ 2157z

Sunshine Radio
12/13/04 0115z 4065USB SINPO:45344
Nice signal on a quiet frequency,playing music...
Unable to copy @ 0135z :(

12/14/04 2336z 6915USB SINPO:14321
2336z heard a om saying something about a wattmeter and that he was
goig to
change to 6915, went there and heard some Floyd but this was all very

Take it Easy Radio
12/18/04 0047-0125z 6925USB SINPO:44234
OTR, Music and ads. Nice signal but quite a bit of noise here tonight
and some
Weak signal until 0108 "White Christmas"
0109 War bonds Ad
0112 ID Take it Easy Radio! Show is from 12/16/44
0120z SINPO:13322