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Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 17:46 pm
by merlin
First of all sorry to all the people that sent in recption reports.We have lost all of your emails due to harddrive faliure.If you are waiting for QSL cards please re email us.
After our pc went down we had bad luck with our ariel mast it was cut down, it has since been replaced and most of our links to the site have been sorted out ,back on air soon.
Now for some news on the FM in spain our 100 watt FM TX is now in spain ,I cant get down there until April the latest will be May because of personel problems.
But it looks good. One of our DJS is still in benidorm sorting out some sites and apartments will let you know as soon as the test start on FM in spain we have already got ten DJS for spain.
paul watt
ps sorry about the mess up on the QSL cards

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 21:08 pm
by merlin
Sorry for the delay in sending QSLs ,they are all in the post .We have now recovered all the emails from also
Our pc is up and running again sorry for all the delays.Off air right now due to family problems back soon .
Many thanks for for all of you that resent their emails.My friend lost the past word for hotmail but it is working again,
and so are both addresses Ontario and Coleraine .
Thanks Jerry in Canada and Andy in Ireland .
Andy used to run NIRS . No more news on our TX in spain but we should have it up and running soon
paul watt
ps we have as many addresses as laser has freq

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 23:55 pm
by Andy Richards
If you have as many e-mail adresses as LHH have frequencies then that is far too many!!!! :lol:

Andy Richards.

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 11:20 am
by Guest
What is your email address now? I sent a report to after hearing you last weekend.

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 18:10 pm
by merlin it used to be the hotmail address but we lost the password .Found it again this week ,blueyonder gets here the fastest.Now Im told our coleraine address is not working .I will check it out and get it sorted