LOGS : 06 - 12 OCT. 2014

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOGS : 06 - 12 OCT. 2014

Post by Ray Lalleu »


Once again a long log, with Saturday and Sunday very hard to check because of many QSO's, also frequency jumps. Also lots of UNID transmissions, even strongly unidentified (no ID known in any log found on Internet). Confirmation that RNW (known for months ago) expands its name in Radio New World, not to be confused with Radio New Wave. Only a fair amount of tips in green below (for transmission, ID, or good details not found elsewhere). Much more tips were found elsewhere only once, in Doctor Tim News ( week 41) to be clear. Thanks to everyone posting his logs on Internet, and feel free to comment or to give IDs and so on.

* * * * * MON. 06 OCT. 2014 * * * * *

6205,0 0648-0657 LASER HOT HITS %, fair-clear > deep fading; mk, tk in E about LWR, mx

6325,2 1841-1955 UNID, v.weak\PLC,gurgling ut.,soon 6328 het/scratching ut.,occ.traffic; mx. [cf CAROLINE INT ]

6304,9 1843-1848 R. PLUTO, v.weak\PLC,some atmos; mx, IDs, tk to Paardenkracht (1856 gone)

6395,7 1849-1914 WEEKEND MUSIC R., tk, IDs, mx, rock, Jack Russell
6395,7 2041-2106 R. GSV, good mod \fading,squeezed(ut.QRM,het), c'/d, next tomorrow m', ID+@, g's, 2046 blues, 2054 Doors, 2059 SMS from his kitchen :-), \Korean QRM, 2105 "Ba moin un tibo doudou" (WMR again)

6205,0 1848-2134* MAGIC (INT), fair > strong; mx, IDs

6150,0 1858-2150 EUROPA 24 %, weak-fair, 1900: \QRM from v.strong 6145 (S.Korea in F). Later: mx

4026,0 1946,2120 LASER HOT HITS, fair \loc.noise; mx, tk, 2119 Laser

6304,9 1955-2022 UNID, fair\light mod, bit muffled,QRM6300; mx, 1959 Stones"She's a rainbow", f/down, 2022 f/out

6300,0 1957-2012 UNID, H.ofRising Sun, Beach Boys"God only knows", Dire Straits+v.low tk, Born to be wild.

6294,9 1957-2041* R. PLUTO, v.weak\PLC,some atmos; tk on the middle of rock tracks, IDs, "low power"

6284,2 1958-2038 UNID (1916 trace), e.weak \PLC,atmos; mx, 2016 ID?, 2023 More than a feeling ? [ cf ALEX W. ]

6263,5 2018-2121 OZNRH %, e.weak-trace \PLC,some atmos; quiet mx.

6239,9 2056-2150 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW, e.weak\PLC; 2156 ID barely heard, 2125 ID: R. RAINBOW INT, mx

* * * * * TUES. 07 OCT. 2014 * * * * *

6307,0 1545-1550 HITMIX %, v.weak\PLC; mx, quiet pops. (QSY? to 6305)
6305,0 1558-1634 HITMIX, v.weak\PLC; mix of mx, Tequila, 1608 "studio1A" , mx

6290,0 1551-1553 UNID, v.weak\PLC, mx. (1610 gone)

6210,0 1554-1617* UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, 1614 "Love desire" (title?), then end ? QSY ?
6205,0 1617-1619* UNID (ex 6210 ?), v.weak\PLC; mx, 1619 messing and s/off

6940,0 1627-1631 UNID, fair \stanag6936a; mx: synthe-beat box. - - - [cf BLACKBEARD ]

6299 L? 1634-1635 UNID, mx in LSB, QSY before clarifying here
6297 u 1635-1638 UNID, mx in USB, "The look of love" (then end ?)

6307,4 1641-1654 R. TITANIC, weak-fair\ut.s around, some atmos; IDs, tk in G+E, mx, Captain John, "Call me"
6307,5 1701-1703 UNID, \splash; W voice, Man of action, "Caroline" song, blank

6284,4 1655-1700 R. ZEEWOLF, v.weak\noisy,PLC,atmos; tk to Nora(also Odynn), also some mx

6319,9 1704-1731 R. TELSTAR INT, good>strong; RedRiver rock, ID, G song "Meine kleine boutique", Bzn (said "Annie live in the studio", really?), 1723 Born in the bayou.
6319,9 1829-1834* R. TELSTAR INT, polka, ment' Rode Adelaaer, Telstar ID, bye-bye

6307,0 1708-1716 MIKE R., weak-v.weak; g's:Telstar,Cpt.John, shy ID, russian-like song, ...

6300,1 1713-1715* R. NORA, fair+strong mod; in E, c'/d, g's, ID, qso w.Zeewolf, bye-bye, end just before 1716.

6299,5 1720-1725 ZEEWOLF ?, v.weak, "this is a QSO", tk in D, ment' Nora+Wizard+Zeewolf

6395,7 1725-1930 R. GSV, mx, 1731 ID, then rock, blues, Rollin Stones, IDs, 1930 long blank
6395,7 1951-2026 R. GSV, mx, IDs. 1955 I.Dury&Blockheads, R.Caroline memory, bit of "..tibo doudou", ment' WMR

6960,0 1727-1730 UNID, e.weak\noisy; mx, 1728 tk, 1730 lost.

6299,1 1835-1837 UNID, tk, OK, bye-bye, then blank carrier. - - - [cf long QSO on 6300a, 1655-1820]

6290,0 1838-2019 RODE ADELAAR, strong, polka, ID, rep.toTelstar, D mix of mx, \huge PLC, 2009 ID+@

6150,0 1848-1900 EUROPA 24, fair_good; Stuck in the middel, ID, Red red wine, Bette Davis eyes, 1900 \KBS6145

6424,9 1913-1933 UNID, e.weak\PLC,noisy,atmos; accn, D song, later cold wave - - - [cf RONALISA ]

6320,0 1933-1938* UNID, fair; mx, shy "allos", parts of D mx, messing. - - - { cf ODYNN ]

6299,1 1938-1949* R. ALEX -, v.weak\PLC, tk, mx, ID, "from Germany", +@(no copy), 1948 c'/d, bye-bye [cf ALEX W ]

4025,9 1959-2005 LASER HOT HITS, \sp.traffic4020u; mx, ads:FSN,OEM; ID, mx,...

6263,5 2011-2047 OZNRH %, e.weak\PLC; barely heard mx

6300,0 2016-2059 UNID, v.weak\QRM6295; 2020 cold wave, deep fade, 2035 Moonlight shadow, club mx, 2053 tk, something like "Da stinger" ? \deep fades.

6295,0 2029-2101 UNID, strong, 2036 Let's all chant, mx, mx... - - - [cf MONTFERLAND ]

6220,8 2241-2302 UNID, strong, mx, tchacs.. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf NOVA ]

6205,0 2242-2301 MAGIC (INT), v.steong; reggae, ID, mx.

* * * * * WED. 08 OCT. 2014 * * * * *

6205,0 0414-0622 MAGIC (INT), fair\fading,PLC; mx, IDs

6070,0 0423-0844 UNID, v.>u.weak \PLC, splash(6075 and even 6060 Cuba); mx, 0621 Those were the days

6150,0 0619-0848 EUROPA 24, weak-v.weak\PLC; ID, first quarter news 4 min late, mx, 0845 news in G

6306,2 0849-0911 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx from Bzn ? - - - - - - - - -[ cf R. BZN ]

6190,0 0907-0910 HLR %, in AM-USB, tk in G about economics?, 0910 mx

6305,1 1429-1617 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak\PLC; mx, DJ, IDs, occ. ID+@, 1518 Whiter shade of pale (1642 v.long blank)

6295,0 1453-1457 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, tk, D? song - - - - - - - - - - - - [cf PLUTO ]

6285,0 1458-1458 UNID, e.weak; tk: test,test, off-on, ...

6244,9 1609-1615 Z. TWENTANA ?, weak \spitting ut.; Andean mx, allo-allo, accn, retro waltz, 1614 is this the ID?

6295,0 1617-1643* UNID, v.weak\PLC; D or G songs, 1634 " - - Radio on SW", mx, 1642 noname c'/d [cf HITMIX ]

6285,0 1621-1628* UNID, fair\fading,het6284,4; instrum mx, 1625 60s guitar, end without annt.

6325,0 1637-1648* R. SHADOWMAN ?, strong\slight fading; pops, ID heard like Zeroeman

6259,9 1644-1647 UNID, weak\PLC,hum; polka, D song. (1716 gone, far stn only). [cf TWENTANA ]

6284,9 1649-1656 UNID, e.weak\PLC; gd ev'.. c'/d (over a song), brass mx, D song.. (1716 gone) [cf RONALISA ]

6325,0 1656-1658* BLACK ARROW, weak\PLC,some atmos; mx, ID, ment' Zeroeman, rpt, hello UKdxer, blank
6325,0 1659-1700* UNID, undermod (or under remaining carrier) - - - - - - [cf FLINTSTONE ]
6325,0 1700-1706* R. SHADOWMAN ?, strong\slight fading; blank, 1701 mx, 1705 polka, ID heard like Zeroeman
6325,0 1721-1721 UNID, QSO going on

6297,0 1702-1705 UNID, fair-good\PLC; instrum, Rock around the clock, instrum. (QSY to 6295 ?) [cf TELSTAR ]

6295,0 1707-1733 R. TELSTAR INT, instrum, tk in D over Days of Pearly Spencer, ment' Twentana, 1710 tk over mx, ment' Pacman, 1711 g's Foxfire, Pacman, more g's over "Peter Gunn", 1714 ID in E, more tk right over tracks

6220,0 1716-1742 UNID, v.weak\PLC,some atmos; mx.
6220,0 1857-2048 UNID, fair-good \occ. traffic QRM; non stop mx, 2040 "Susanna" (which one?)

6422,5 1723-1731 UNID, fair-good \ut. on side; some C&W?, song in E, etc... (1742 gone)

6205,7 1735-1741 UNID, v.weak\noisy,ut.QRM; tk, mx, song 1740 whistling 'singers' - - - [cf R. SEAT ]

6290,0 1858-1950? RODE ADELAAR, good; Una paloma blanca, accn, IDs+@, 1933 polka (...) 1950 UNID, pop

6263,5 1904-2049 OZNRH %, e.weak, one hour sooner today, non stop cool instrum mx

6300,0 1933-1933 UNID, good\splash from 6290. (1950 gone)

6384,8 1934-2050 RONALISA, e.weak \squeezed(noise,gurgling ut.); rockabilly, 1937 tk ment' Lowland, Ronalisa, tnx rpts, 1940 "If I had a hammer", 1946 Paranoid, Satisfaction, 2012 ID, low power, rpts, 2038 Wind of change

6395,7 1940-2024 WMR, fair-good \slight Morse L-side; mx, 1945 ID, 2015 blues, 2024 breakdown

6290,0 2007-2039* BLACK BANDIT, strong; Old man down the road, Johnny is a boy for me (=Johnny tu n'es pas un ange), etc...2027 D W singer, 2039 known voice, ID as ABU DHABI R., c'/d.

4025,9 2029-2037 LASER HOT HITS, strong \noisy,short atmos; mx, 2037 ID.

* * * * * THURS. 09 OCT. 2014 * * * * *

6150,0 0846,1614 EUROPA 24, mx, news in G on approx. quarters

6280,0 1616-1720 UNID, v.weak\stanag6275,PLC,gurgling; quiet pop, non stop instrum mx

6384,9 1623-1706 UNID, e.weak \PLC,ut.,some atmos; mx.

6747,1 1636-1637* UNID, instrum mx, end. - - - - - - - - - [cf PIONEER ]

6300,0 1704-1706 UNID, retro singer in D, then "koe koe" (1712 gone)

6319,1 1709-1717 R. ALTREX, \PLC,ut; mx, ID by "mooh !" sounds
6319,0 1833-1834 UNID, v.weak\atmos; mx, "Take me to the matador" (1849 gone)

6295,0 1713-1718 UNID, good-strong, W singer in G, accn-waltz, 1717 comedy in Ru ? R&R in Ru? [cf ABU DHABI ]

6220,0 1720-1721 UNID, mx, tk in it ?

6220,0 1818-1856 UNID, tk, not in it., several voices, ment' Belarus - - - - - - [cf R. PROMIN, UKR ]

6242,0 1821-1832 UNID, e.weak\noisy,atmos,PLC; mx, 1825 disco, mx... - - -[ cf COLUMBIA ]

6266,0 1828-1855 R. ODYNN, fair+strong mod. \atmos; pop, tiki, 1831 ID+hl+@ in E, polka, ...

6305,0 1834-1859 UNID, weak\atmos; 1837 Calimba de luna, 1843 \big PLC; song in it?, 1859 Highway to hell

6295,0 1835-1846* R. MONTFERLAND, mx, 1840 c'/d, hum6295,2; ID, g's, 1843 ID+@, bye-bye \PLC;

6280,0 1850-1924 UNID, weak \PLC,atmos; mx, IDs " - - Radio on SW".

6295,0 1901-1903 UNID, trace-e/weak; mx (barely heard)

6395,7 1908-1945 R. GSV, \stanag6391a; mx, tk in E, IDs, jazz.

6290,0 1914-1930 RODE ADELAAR, accn, allo allo, ID, accn, 1923 Shadows, 1930 brass mx (1947 gone)

6319,85 1916-1951 R. MAZDA, fair\atmos +peaks; accn, D song, 1920 ID, g's in G+E etc..., 1922 ID, later mx,mx

6295 L 1951-2117 UNID, v.>e.weak\noisy,atmos,Morse; blues. - - - - - - [ cf OVER 60° ]

6263,5 2001-2056 OZNRH %, e.weak\atmos; quiet mx

4026,0 2003-2123 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy,atmos, hard to hear; mx, tk, 2009 Laser Int.

* * * ** * FRI. 10 OCT. 2014 * * * * *

6286,0 1023-1031 FOCUS INT, fair +good peaks, pops, IDs(+a+hl), 1028 Nashville teens.
6286,1 1231-1355 FOCUS INT, tk, ID, blues, I can see for miles, up to 6286,2
6286,1 1607-1904 FOCUS INT, "Sympathy for the devil", 1859 Keep on running, ID, Day of Pearly.., (1938 e.weak)

6239,1 1032-1356 R. MARABU, fair \occ.overmod,strong Morse6239,1 after 1200; alt. mx, 1033 ID, 1300 Beatles.
6239,1 1608-1910 R. MARABU, \Morse QRM goes on; mx, 1908 IDs. (1939 e.weak)

6325 a 1215-1237* UNID, SSB ? also carrier on 6325,3: mx, tk, never clarified - - - [cf ZWARTE PANTER ]

6294,9 1240-1257 UNID, e.weak\hush noise,var.ut.; mx, tk ?, f'/down, then lost. [cf POWERLINER ]

6205,0 1301-1301 UNID, e.weak, mx, quickly lost.

6305,1 1605-1920 R. MERLIN INT, weak \noisy, mx, tk, IDs (1932 gone)

6245,0 1608-1611* UNID, v.weak \QRM from Marabu; mx, s/off at 1611'40" - - - [ cf AC-DC ]

6299,9 1637-1720 R. NORTON, weak, mx, 1712 IDs, gd ev'.

6295,0 1638-1720 UNID, fair\fading,PLC; D song, waltz, brass mx. - - - - - - [cf TWENTANA ]
6294,9 1831-1832 UNID, D or G song, tk, ment' Witte Reus, song. [bad reading ? cf TWENTANA 6292,9 ]

6256,0 1640-1641* UNID, R.Stones (QSY to 6206 ?)
6206,0 1642-1648 UNID, R.Stones "Start me up", more rock, 1648 killed by 6205 (1651 no trace)

6205,0 1648-2103 LASER HOT HITS, \het 6206 till 1651; mx, IDs, tk (NOT //) [ occ. MAGIC IDs? not heard here ]

6256,0 1653-1701* UNID, fair \scratching ut., intermittent stanag; M+girlie singers at first.

6320,0 1702-1720 UNID, strong; (1637 blank); mx, ska, Culture Club, mx - - - [cf SHADOWMAN ]

6265,0 1708-1829 UNID, non stop mx. (1829 then blank)

6225,0 1812-1815* UNID, e.weak \ut.PLC; ment' Witte Reus (not clearly an ID), mx. - - - [cf WITTE REUS ]

6385,2 1833-1947 UNID, mx, some tk (in D?, voice not clear), 1941 D~ song, accn, f'/down. (1958 trace)

6395,7 1836-1855 WEEKEND MUSIC R., tk(Jefferson Starship), 1837 ID, "Roxane", mx
6395,7 1947-2045 R. GSV, mx, 2044 ID, "Back to the 80s", mx, 2045 gd ev' Alex

6424,0 1841-1842* UNID, tk in D, bit of polka, sudden s/off. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ASCONA ]

6446,3 1842-1848* UNID, \stanag6442a; tk, D song (Richtibi..), ment' Skyline Int R., g's. 1847'55" QSY ? [cf STUDIO 52 ]
6425,2 1848-1855 UNID, ex 6446,3 ? (same track), mx. - - - [cf STUDIO 52 ]
6425,3 1948-1957 UNID, pop (G transl.), 1954 said 'Tibi splatter' ??, more songs in D. - - [cf STUDIO 52 ]

6300,0 1858-1931 UNID, fair>v.weak\noisy; blank?, 1916 pop-rock, 1921 " - - - Radio@hotmail", mx [cf ENTERPRISE]
6294,9 1932-2100* ENTERPRISE R., low mod; mx, 1959 Wind of change, 2048 wide bandwith drums, 2052 ID+@, etc

6263,5 2002-2102 OZNRH %, trace only \loc.noise; (usual time and frequency)

4026,0 2004-2115 LASER HOT HITS, good\fading,atmos; IDs, mx, tk.

1730,0 2021-2115 UNID, e.weak; peaks with quiet mx (OZNRH style, but not OZNRH)

6070,0 2104-2114 UNID, e.weak; Beatles, "Lucy in the sky..", more pop.

* * * * * SAT. 11 OCT. 2014 * * * * *

6305,1 0652-1107 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak, soon fair\PLC,fading; rock, 0740 ID, 1107 "My generation"

6286,1 0653-1420 FOCUS INT, good (strong around 8-9), 60s pop-rock, IDs and tk at times, blanks around 1115
6286,1 1646-2118 FOCUS INT, good (f'/down after 2030, e.weak-trace at 2300) same show 6h long loop ?

6239,1 0654-1422 R. MARABU, strong, rock, G pops, tk in G (0840 about G LW stns), 0930 overmod (noisy), fair\good
6239,1 1708-2259 R. MARABU, still so-so mod, bad mod at times, mx, IDs, 2259 e.weak

6205,0 0654-1423 LASER HOT HITS, fair, mx, 0739 ID, 0840 ID+@, Gary Drew, 1112 e.weak, 1422 over50% dropouts
6205,0 1708-2244 LASER HOT HITS, good\atmos >strong \fading, mx, 2039 Laser Int, 2120 Beach Boys, Laser

6300,0 0735-0735 UNID, mx (0745 gone)

6295,0 0743-0751 UNID, mx, 0745 Speedy Gonzalez. (0806 gone) - - - [cf MONTFERLAND ]

7265,0 0752-0800* HLR %, in AM-USB, good+peaks \some atmos; jazz, some tk about jazz, sudden off
6190,0 0800-0932 HLR %, in AM-USB, (not same record); 0808 tk: Marlene story in G (incl' love stories), 0928 kletzmer
7265,0 1116-1118 HLR %, in AM-USB, weak+peaks; in G, still the Marlene D. story, "Soerabaya Johnny"

6320,0 0802-0902 UNID, e.weak\some atmos; pops, bpm, instrum. (0924 gone) [cf CARRIER WAVE ]

6150,0 0815-1325 EUROPA 24, weak > e.weak, pops, 0932 tk in G, ID, 1325 "Massachusetts"

6095,0 0820-1419 KBC, strong\noisy > v.strong, Country-rock, Rosko, ads, later pops, 1405 Wooly Bully

6395,7 0843-0942 R. GSV, weak \gurgling ut. L-side; mx on stage: rock, C&W, 0936 ID, 0942 ID+@

9510,0 0850-0859* R. CITY-More Cars, v.v.strong, mx, ID, "Ik ben so allen", Christophe "Aline", ID (0859 IRRS ID)

6210,0 1313-1323 UNID, e.weak; mx, tk in E (and G ?), mx, R&R, 1322 Radio Zee ?, pop.

6299,7 1423-1428* WIZARD R., weak-clear\PLC; IDs, QSO (Python,Sheroeman..), 1426 ID+@, mx

6300,0 1430-1434 UNID, e.weak-trace; JM.Jarre"Oxygene", tk ..Zeroeman.., 1434 lost [ cf GIGANT ]

6318,4 1435-1644 UNID, fair\PLC; "Driver's seat", then pops. - - - [cf ROCK R. N. ]

6310,0 1639-1639* UNID, tk, sudden s/off while talking.

6300,0 1640-1726* TOP R., weak\noisy; dist. canned IDs, @(no copy), D carnaval mx, 1722 Bonanza

6290,05 1644-1645* UNID, D song and end

6266,0 1646-1852 ODYNN R., fair\atmos; pops, g's, "7 nations army", S.Blue, 1700 ID \big PLC;.. 1812 \het6262,5

6255,4 1705-2258 R. TANGO ITALIA, fair\atmos; tango and alike mx, 1815 ID

6295,0 1714-1848 BOGUSMAN EXPERIENCE, good>strong,splashing; mx (alt. rock), typ. tk, IDs

6319,1 1728-1810 R. ALTREX, e.weak; mx, 1807 ID no copy, then "mooh !" sounds.

6325,2 1732-1915 R. CAROLINE INT, v.hard to hear mx \under ut.QRN > v.weak\atmos; 1818 JID, mx

6379,8 1738-1738 UNID, e.weak\atmos,high pitched het 6374,6; mx. (1802 gone)

6409,9 1803-1804* UNID, weak\atmos; D schlager, and end

6305,0 1810-2020* UNID, weak-v.weak\atmos,6295splash; "Losing my mind"(?title), nonstop mx, 1944 The wanderer

6424,9 1820-1914* Z. ASCONA, fair\fading,atmos; mx, g's to D stns, KISS, accn (DJ singing), 1912 ID+@ \PLC;

4026,0 1856-2209 LASER HOT HITS,fair\fading,atmos,sp.traffic4020u; mx, Laser Int, tk

3905,1 1859-2305 UNID, >fair-good\atmos; D songs, 2202 'train' rhythm, 2304 "Rosalie" D song [cf ALICE ]

6380,0 1907-1907 UNID, strong \fading,overmod?; mx. (1914 gone) [ cf MUSTANG ]

6325,0 2019-2025 BLACK BANDIT %, strong; known voice, tk, "Sputnick" (fancy ID ?), D song, polka

6262,5 2027-2036 OZNRH %, \Odynn het, usual kind of mx, but 1 kHz lower (2118 blank on 6263,5)

6306,2 2049-2106 R. NEW WORLD, weak\atmos; mx, ID, RNW(at FreeRadioChannel...), 2103 f'/down, het6305 (>trace)

6298,6 2100-2109* R. GIGANT, mx,"My name is Jack", 2108 hello, ID (heard Gijon sp. way..), mx, 2108 blank, end

6305,0 *2103-2217 UNID, \some het at first, occ.traffic; blues, RnB, blanks between tracks. [ cf TRX ]

6300,2 2148-2237 R. NEW WORLD, e.weak\splash; g's for Jari, ID, mx

6295,0 2152-2301 B.BANDIT IDing as ABU DHABI, strong; mx, hello from 'Ali Ben Snikkel', accn parts, later rock,etc

6942 u 2221-2235 UNID, weak-v.weak\kind of Morse; blues, tk (no copy), end ?
6942 u 2248-2255 UNID, v.weak\atmos,noisy; tk about mx, then mx. 2255 end ?

* * * * * SUN. 12 OCT. 2014 * * * * *

6950 u 0036-0115 WOLVERINE R., fair,clear; jazz, blues, 'midnight' in titles, IDs

6925,0 0059-0113 UNID, e.weak\QRM,ut.QRN, traffic; mx, maybe an ID?(in F ??). [ cf R. PAISANO ]

6286,1 0659-1301 FOCUS INT, good>weeak-fair; rock, IDs, 0828 B.B.King, 0927 R.Stones. (Also 1514 mx)
6286,1 1700,1925 FOCUS INT, mx, 1925 ID, tk, soul (also 2059 : e.weak-trace; tk)

6239,1 0702-1309 R. MARABU %, \first squeezed:stanag-het6238; mx, then F fishers6237,5u,noisy; mx, good at times
6239,2 1530-1927 R. MARABU, good, mx, IDs, "non-stop". (also 2106: e.weak; mx)

6205,0 0704-1320 LHH %, \noise under, later PLC; mx, tk about London landbased, 1320 ID heard at last.
6205,0 1535-2108 LASER HOT HITS, good; mx, 1532 "Searching", OEM ad, ID, 1705 ID, 2108 \het;

6190,0 0705-0755 R. GLORIA INT, AM-USB, v.weak; var. mx, typ. voice, "from Germany"

6150,0 0706-1149 EUROPA 24, weak>v.weak; "What a feeling" at 0706 and 0808, 0708 ID (also 1707 ID)

6320,0 0712-0719 UNID, v.weak; mx and birds, then songs - - - - - - - - - [ cf SHADOWMAN ]
6320,0 0732-0807 R. MONTFERLAND, v.weak; mx, 0759 Twist, 0805 tk, ID+@

7300,1 0721-0801 U-BOAT 66, v.weak\hush; rock (Who?), 0724 ID+@, Clapton "Cocaine"

6875,1 0800-0904 UNID, v.weak\ut.noise > e.weak\loc.noise; mx, 0854 60s jingles

9485,0 0801-0851 ATLANTIC 2000 INT, AM-USB, \mushy carrier, het9490; IDs, tk, "Heavy lady", 0847 gmail, My sweet lord, Serge Gainsbourg "Requiem pour un con"

6095,0 0809-1151 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong; pops, Trucker Radio, ads, 1001 Emperor Rosko: L.A. Connection

6070,0 R. CHANNEL 292 ??, 0813 e.weak mx, 1002 trace\PLC, 1708 e.weak, some rock, f'/up, more mx

6005,0 0813-0852 ATLANTIC 2000 INT, fair\fading; C&W: "Tennesse...", 0817 ID, "whopee", pop song, 0834 Same old song, 0852 muffled, // 9485

6320,0 0819-1151 BOGUSMAN / GHOUL ?, rock, typ. chatting, 1003 "Plaine ma plaine" techno, some Thatcher bashing ?, 1035 ..archives from Bogusman and the Ghoul.., ment' R.Armadillo, 1055 Yellow submarine (in a recording?)

6299,9 0824-0835 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx

6305,0 0914-0914 trace\PLC; - - - - - - [ cf QUADZILLA ]

6300 a 0915-0953 QSO round: 6298,7 and 6299,9 both e.weak, 0921 Dire Straits"Sultans.."

6265,0 0928-0952 R. SHADOWMAN ?, good\fading, noise; pops, guitars, Funky town, 0941 ID heard Zeroeman.

6190,0 0943-1000* MV BALTIC R., AM-USB, weak\PLC; 60s-70s pops, tk in G, 0957 ID in G, mx, ID+@

6180,0 0945-0950* R. SCOTLAND (INT), good\fading; mx, ID+@ (also RSI), c'/d, POB Beilen (badly spelled!), etc

6295,0 0953-0953 UNID, end of mx, then blank. - - - - - - - - - [ cf TOP ]

6940,0 1017-1017* UNID, v.weak\noisy; mx, end.

6300,0 1029-1047 UNID, trace-e.weak\PLC; mx, 1045 tk, mx. - - - - - - - - - [ cf WITTE REUS ]

6250,0 1030-1031* R. CASANOVA, "Caroline", tk, ID+@, c'/d, tnx rpt, bye-bye

6265,0 1154-1158 UNID, - - Radio, - - .tk, mx, tk, often under noise

6265,9 1302-1309 R. PANDORA %, e.weak\PLC,local storm; pop, - - Radio, mx, " - - SW", 1308 robot voice (JID?)
6265,9 1500-1521 R. PANDORA %, v.weak\PLC,atmos; 1515 tk in E, pop, 1520 robot voice (ID?), mx

6320,0 1500-1505 R. TRANS EUROPE, weak\atmos +peaks; hello UKdxer, ID, 70W, ID+@, pops

6306,9 1506-1514* MIKE R. (1508 ID), then R.ZEEWOLF (1512 ID), QSO with many others

6245,0 1522-1526* Z. QUINTUS, \atmos; tk in D, giving rpts, own IDs not proud enough

6245,0 *1526-1530 UNID, v.weak\atmos, mw, rep. to Quintus. - - - [ cf AC-DC ]

6318,4 1536-1634 UNID, good carrier\light mod.; rock, 1550 mx, 1634 folk guitar. [cf ROCK R. N. ?? ]

6327,0 1546-1550* UNID, D song (E lyrics?), then s/off at 1549'50" - - - [ cf UNID ]

6375,2 1551-2014 WMR, \much atmos at first; tk, IDs, mx, 1635 rock - - - [cf WMR hoax ]

6950,0 1554-1640 ENTERPRISE R., weak \much atmos at first; ID+@, mx

6304,5 1556-1556 UNID, weak \much atmos; pop - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [cf ZEEWOLF ]

6305,0 1621-1719 TELSTAR R., good \atmos, tiki, rock, rockabilly, 1651 g's, 1654 ID, Driver's seat, etc

6299,0 1631-1720 UNID, v.weak \atmos,squeezed; D songs, 1656 "Radio - - -a from the NL", mx. [cf R. MINERVA ]

6255,4 1702-2137 R. TANGO ITALIA, tango and alike, 2105 ID

6320,0 1714-1754 R. MONTFERLAND, fiar-good\atmos; 1715 ID in D+E, g's, mx

6305,7 1754-1916* UNID, J.Brown"Sex machine", 1847 v.weak\atmos, mx, mx, mx - - - [cf JOEY ]

6325,3 1847-1856 UNID, in AM-LSB?, e.weak\atmos, v.hard; mx, tk, 1856 end ? - - - [cf ORGASM ]

6320,0 1853-2009* LITTLE FEAT R., v.weak\atmos, mx, IDs+@, "Dreamer", mx, IDs, 2005 c'/d, Crunchy Granola

6300,2 1908-1924 UNID, weak\atmos; Get down, 1919 Neige sur le Lac Majeur (in F), mx. [cf BLAUWE PANTER ]

6219,7 1927-1946 UNID, v.weak\atmos,fading,Morse6217,0; mx, - - radio stn, mx, mx [cf CAROLINE / RAINBOW]
6219,7 2107-2137 R.CAROLINE(2107 ID, mx, Peace..) / RAINBOW(2130 ID, Peace, 2133 ID+@, P4P show), 2137 f'/out

6300,05 1947-1954 UNID, mx, Elvis ?, instrum, 1953 tk over brass mx, \hum
6299,95 1954-2005 UNID, blank, 1956 song in E, 2002 instrum, 2004 My little runaway
6299,95 2048-2059 UNID, \atmos; mx, tk, 2054 "Tommy", 2057 \traffic; fiesta mx. (2113 gone)

6485,0 2007-2051 PREMIER R. INT, \atmos,traffic; tk, nr in E, mx, 2015 time check, ID, etc.. (2110 gone)

6875,1 2019-2052 UNID, v.weak\atmos,PLC,v.deep fades or off/on?; mx, mx... (2111 gone)

6320,5 2039-2047 WIZARD R., good>weak; mx, 2043 ID, tk about propagation, ID+@, fair peak\atmos; 2047 end?

6263,4 2100-2114 OZNRH %, e.weak \het,noise,atmos; mx, 2102 tk, ID+@ ? (no copy)

4025,9 2117-2123 LASER HOT HITS, good\atmos; mx, tk, ment' Gary Drew, stream, 48 meters

6300,0 2138-2150 ABU DHABI R., strong, usual good mod of B.BANDIT; C&W, accn, typ. op habits, ID, etc...

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.

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