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London Calling.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 20:00 pm
by Andy Richards
I haven't had much time for radio in the last month.Which is why I haven't posted.Even this weekend we went out at midday
yesterday and did not return home till early this morning,so I missed a lot of radio yesterday afternoon and evening.
But I think I heard enough to warrant a post.
Conditions were not great during the day but Friday and Saturday night were very good.
I don't know if Sluwe Vos and Witte Reus are fairly new stations or old stations with new names,but both are welcome
additions.Sluwe Vos runs low power but had a very good signal here on Saturday night.
Great signals from Skyline,Different,Victoria,Tower,Spaceman,Altrex,Condor & Orion too.
Victoria and Altrex make me smile.Both can be quite funny and both had good signals.
The "jingle" that The Ghoul played with David Icke talking over Pink Floyd's "Money" was amazing.........I hope it was his creation,
but I suspect not.Please tell me it was his..........
Tower Radio were strong but with low mod.I have noticed this with them before.Maybe an attempt not to splatter......
All in all a good weekend!

Friday 04/05/12

3905Khz - 2055-2100 - Skyline Int Radio - 45434 - Dire Straits - "Sultans of Swing".
4015Khz - 2100-2105 - LHH - 54544 - The Dave Clark Five - "Because".
6285Khz - 2110-2115 - Different Radio - 45434 - The Bogusman - Indie Rock and Chat.Bill Nelson's Red Noise - "Stay Young".
6420Khz - 2105-2110 - Radio Tidalwave - 44433 - Toto - "Africa",The Monkees - "Dream Believer".

Saturday 05/05/12

4015Khz - 2145-2150 - LHH - Talking about radio aerials.
6207Khz - 1930-1935 - Rammstein Radio - 34333 - Lot's of Rammstein!!
6207Khz - 2045-2050 - Radio Sluwe Vos - 45434 - Pop Music and speech.CD 2129.
6240Khz - 2112-2117 - Free Radio Victoria - 45434 - Roy Orbison.Amusing comments as usual.
6285Khz - 1935-1940 - Different Radio - 54434 - The Ghoul - David Icke explaining world economics over Pink Floyd's "Money".
6292Khz - 1945-1950 - Die Witte Reus - 45434 - Mix of Music.
6300Khz - 1950-1955 - Tower Radio - 45434 - Old Dutch Pop Music.Sightly under-modulated.
6310Khz - 2025-2030 - Radio Spaceman - 55544 - Talking over an instrumental,nice Funk tune("Don't do it").
6450Khz - 1955-2000 - Radio Universe - 34443 - Old Electronic Pop Music.
6960Khz - 2000-2005 - Atlantic Radio - 35433 - Soul Music.

Sunday 06/05/12

4015Khz - 0812-0817 - LHH - 32332 - Pop & Chat.Very bad het.
5820Khz - 0750-0755 - Orion Radio - 45434 - "Free Electric Band".
6095Khz - 0900-0905 - KBC - 45434 - Jut coming on.Rock'n'Roll song,Brenda Lee.
6200Khz - 0757-0802 - Radio Torenvolk - 25432 - Pop Music.
6205Khz - 0842-0847 - Radio Calypso - 35433 - Dutch Music.
6216Khz - 0837-0842 - UNID - 35433 - Music.
6294Khz - 0832-0837 - Radio Altrex - 45433 - Music & cows....;-) "Feel's like Heaven".
6300Khz - 0802-0807 - Tower Radio - 45434 - Dutch Music.Low mod.
6325Khz - 0807-0812 - Radio Sonic - 34333 - Bob Marley - "I Shot the Sherrif".CD 0846.
6330Khz - 0905-0910 - Radio Condor - 44433 - Ballad.Giving out phone number.
6950Khz - 0827-0832 - Irish Music Radio - 25432 - Pop Music.
6960Khz - 0817-0822 - Atlantic Radio - 35333 - Bob Marley - "Buffalo Soldier".
6980Khz - 0822-0827 - LHH - 35333 - Pop Music.

Andy Richards.

Re: London Calling.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 04:20 am
by JoJo
Thanks andy for the log, much appreciated ;)

Re: London Calling.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 19:30 pm
by Radio Universe
Thanks for the log!

Best regards from Holland,

Radio Universe.

Re: London Calling.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 12:34 pm
by gwl

Thanks for all your reports.

I'm glad you enjoyed the insert on money. It was one of my own creations, but I think it's fair to call it a joint effort. David Icke puts the message across simply and effectively. Pink Floyd came up with a classic. All I did was bring them together.

Re: London Calling.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 21:28 pm
by Andy Richards
It was brilliant Ghoul!

Andy Richards.