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LOGS : 19 - 25 AUG. 2013

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 21:56 pm
by Ray Lalleu

Still a happy summer log....

* * * * * MON. 19 AUG. 2013 * * * * *

6305,5 1403-1610 R. DAKOTA, e.weak > weak \fading, D mx, IDs+@(copied at 1601), also Camouflage, rock,pop
6305,5 1756-1831 R. DAKOTA, weak/fair \ut.bursts, D mx, IDs+@ (1836 gone)

6300,0 1410-1445 UNID, e.weak/trace \loc.noise, mx, tk, 1434 "..6300 kHz.. v.much.." 1435 D.Bowie ? [ cf VENDOR ]

6286,9 1758-1814* R. UNDERGROUND, drift to 6286,7 \traffic on 6285u, D songs, yodl, JID, mx, Oxygene

6242,0 1759-1840* R. AC-DC, rock, 1815 Rawhide, ID+@, Sweet home Alabama

6264,0 1759-2217 UNID, e.weak, mx from S.E. Europe (maybe a Greek harmonic ?)

6210,5 1802-1900 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk, 18.21 instrum rock - - - - - - [ cf SKYLINE R. G.]

6299,1 1824,1831 UNID, mx, trapped at 180 bpm :-), 1835 song in E. (1837 gone)

6325,4 1850-1858 UNID, v.weak \RTTY on 6328 then traffic,strong noisy ut. pops, part, D song

6204,8 1901-2013 R. MORNING STAR, e.weak \atmos, later PLC, mx, 2009 ID+@, c'/d, more mx, ID, mx

6399,9 1939-2002 R. YELLOW SUBMARINE, v.distorted IDs (only "ZERO"(?) copied), but "Yellow submarine" song

7614,5 1950-1955 UNID, e.weak \strong PLC, mx, no details

6287,0 2003-2014 UNID, weak \PLC, strange mx, same track again...

6324 v 2152-2250 R. UNDERGROUND ? \drifting around, dement mx, blanks, yodl, instrum V. of "La digue du cul" ? with "lalala" choir, 2208 tk in E, testing mike, accordion, more mx and blanks, \occ.traffic.

6925,0 2220-2236 UNID \some atmos,occ.traffic, slow waltz, What's now my love(??) in ?, R&R, Russian(?) song

6205,5 2337-2342 UNID, \much atmos, was talking, then Midnight special", etc

* * * * * TUES. 20 AUG. 2013 * * * * *

6304,6 1308-1341* R. MERLIN INT, v.weak \some PLC, pops, 1316 ID(multi), Karma chameleon, Come on Eileen..

6304,6 1806-2015 R. MERLIN INT again, strong, IDs, mx, 1826 tk: R.Galaxy, 1954 Madness"One step beyond"

6210,4 1809-1846 UNID, e.weak/trace, mx, 1812 .. Germany .. nobody. - - [ cf SKYLINE R. G. ]

6289,9 1843-2015 ODYNN R., mx, IDs+contacts, phone tk(w. Larsen), D waltz, reggae, pops, Race w.the Devil

6924,6 1903-2017 PINK PANTHER R., mx, Comanchero (remix?), 1931 ID, 1957 \occ.traffic 6922L in it.

6400,0 1910-2016 R. CAROLINE INT, \hum (carrier 6399,7), mx, 1911 JID, 1925 tk in G, sticky hum

6299,9 1937-2015 R. MAZDA, D and euro mx, tk in D, sirtaki, 1951 ID, g's, etc.

6980,4 2148-2232 UNID, \some fading, rather dull or strange mx, 2230 rock

6909,9L 2153-2230 BALTIC SEA R., \stanag,traffix, mx, seagull, ID, 2217 Stand by me.

6285,05 2200-2223 R. MORNING STAR, \v.weak,tiny drift around,traffic. mx, IDs till 2203, then mx, occ. tk.

3932,1 2206-2225 MRF %, e. weak with trace of mx at best (tent. ID from frequency)

* * * * * WED. 21 AUG. 2013 * * * * *

6970,0 0237-0240* UNID, v.weak \noisy, atmos. mx, kind of latino mx and s/off

6935,0 0255-0300* UNDERCOVER %, e.weak \atmos, some tale (KIPM mood), mx background, 0300 c'/d, email

6295,0 1810-1843 R. MUSTANG, blank>e.weak>strong, 1817 Your tiger feet, D mx, 1825 ID,g's, yodl, ...

6240,3 1828-1930 UNID, e.weak \v.noisy, mx, ID no copy, tk in G??, mx and tk (never better) [ cf SKYLINE R.G. ?]

6307,2 1849-2032 R. METROPOL INT, \v.noisy, mx, IDs, 1942 Balkan? mx, 2010 Scotland? mx (2036 gone)

6295,05 1908-1913 R. PYTHON, weak \noisy, mx, 1912 ID, mx, 1913 ID. (1924 gone)

7600,1 1934-2036 UNID, strong, pops, rock, 1938 Summer in the city, 2033 rock : Over and over [ cf FRSH ??]

6285 v 1947-2023 UNID, e.weak\noisy, downdrift 6284,8. mx, 1950 cajun mx, 1955 R&R tracks.. [ cf MORNINGSTAR]

6299,9 2011-2108 R. TIDAL WAVE, strong, ID, Radar love, If I only could, rock, guitar...2102 c'/d ID

6289,8 2037-2108 R. MAZDA, strong, Lonesome me, 2043 sitar, Bus stop, ID at 2047, later Apache, tiki..

6980,5 2053-2138 UNID \traffic on 6980L, non stop mx.

6983,0 2333-2350 UNID, e./v.weak \noisy ut., mx, 2341, later \traffic, noisy

* * * * * THURS. 22 AUG. 2013 * * * * *

6215,2 1605-1703* UNID, e.weak+weak peaks, D mx, 1626 "Dandy", 1631 more D mx, no ID.

6324,9 1643-1723 UNID, strong, yodl, "allo", D and euro mx, accordion, except 1720 rock. [ cf NORTON ]

6299,2 1712-1720 R. BLACK ARROW, D songs, polka, pop, 1719 ID, tnx

6319,8 1818-1822 UNID, \noisy, mx - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf NORTON ]

6305,2 1819-1828 R. BLACK ARROW, \6289,8 splash, tacboom mx, 1823 ID B.A, c'/d, full name, No milk today..

6289,8 1820-1902 UNID, strong \undermod at times, mx, Yesterday man, Driver seat, Camouflage [ cf MAZDA ]

6266,0 1825-1834 UNID, \noisy ut., mx. 1834 \it. traffic on 6262,5u

6210,2 1825-1847* UNID, weak \PLC, pops, D mx, 1831 "Osaka" song, 1847 sudden s/off.

6305,9 1836-1849 R. TELSTAR \het from 6307,1 kHz, messing with D mx, shy IDs, G song"Caramba"(?) (1855 gone)

6299,9 1855-1900 R. TELSTAR INT, D or G songs, allo, ID, tk in D, g's, E.Moricone mx

6300,0 1912-1927* R. TELSTAR INT, strong, D mx, tk: Mazda, mx, tk in G, 1919 ID, accordion, 1927 ID, end

6307,2 1856-1911 trace ? (maybe the previous het with Telstar) (could be METROPOL again ?)

6290,1 1915-2024 R. BIZON, weak \noisy, D mx, "Osaka" song, 1925 ID, 1944 IDs+@, 20W, 2024 ID

6399,9 1929-2050 R. CAROLINE INT, weak, mx, comedy, Balkan? mx, 2004 ID (+Rainbow), 2045 ID,

6425,6 1931-1933 UNID, mx, tacboom mx (1940 gone)

4026,0 1948-2056 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \trafffic 4024u, mx, tk, ID, 2027 FSN,OEM, Mike Andrews..

6306,7 1954-2110 R. DOMOSTAD INT, v.weak, pops, tk in D+E, relay at 1st?, 2011 mx and IDs (heard Domostaf)

7613,3 2038-2210 UNID, e.weak \sticky PLC, 2045 Blue monday, then hard to hear \ut bursts, PLC..

* * * ** * FRI. 23 AUG. 2013 * * * * *

6924,7 1518-2140 PINK PANTHER R., e.weak at first, Mexico, 1531 ID+@, mx, 1930 ID+@, 2018 Hello Marylou

6745,3 1533-1716 UNID, v.weak \noisy, mx, 1704 QRM from number stn on 6739u. - - [ cf PIONEER ]

6299,4 1706-1725 R. UNDERGROUND ?, \noisy, mw, tk, 1709 ment' Dave Cash and Rosko, mx, mx

6425,0 1711-1723 UNID, 1714 Can't go home, 1723 medley incl' cajun mx and Loco-motion. - - [ cf NMD ]

6325,8 1717-1725 UNID, v.weak, quiet mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf CAROLINE INT ]

6422,0 1852-1927 UNID, D mx, rock, 1856 ID no copy, accordion,.. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf STUDIO 52 ]

6285,05 1908-1932 R. PYTHON, rock and quiet mx, 1910 and 1932 ID (2000 gone)

6299,6 1913-1916* UNID \hets, pop mx, 1916 blank then s/off

6375 L 1918-1943 R. ROB ?, mx, IDs not sure, 1937 Hard day's night (2006 gone)

6240,0 1932-2006 MUSTANG, v.strong \het from 6243, mx, H.California, Angie, 2025 "low power", IDs

6399,9 1939-2031 R. CAROLINE INT, \2nd carrier QRM, mx, 1943 JID.

4026,0 1946-2051 LASER HOT HITS, M.Scott, mx, IDs

3905,0 1949-2057 SKYLINE INT R., Friday night mix of mx, ID over "Mony Mony, rich man's world.

6289,8 2000-2005 UNID, "Camouflage", D song. (2021 gone) - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf MAZDA ]

6385,0 2007-2030 UNID, v.weak \atmos, squeezed, breaks, mx - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf OVER 60° ]

6745,2 2032-2139 PIONEER R., \traffic, mx, 2039 ID, "Take me to the matador", ID, C&W. 2139 Funky town

6210,0 2113-2514 UNID, weak>fair \atmos,PLC,many audio breaks. duo chat, mx, 2118 ..operation weekend.., 2124 duo tk (sounds German), 2149 techno synthe, 2331 duo tk (in G?),mx, 2344 soul W singer, ..non stop.., 2507 tacboom mx, 2513 Moonlight shadow(remix)

6287,0 2119-2143 R. UNDERGROUND INT, live ID, mx, tk:tech problems on Monday, g's while CD player idle, 2129 sea weather rpt, alt mx. Just a bit of downdrift today.

6310 L 2132-2137 UNID, mx in LSB, 2 words at 2135, 2136 Elvis-like, mx sounded like 2 stns at once, 2137 nothing.

6238 L 2144-2149 SLUWE VOS R., "Camouflage", 2147 time to waste.., ID+@, mx

6261,8 2318-2333 R. MORNING STAR, e.weak\atmos, "American woman", J.Mayall?, pop, 2333 ID+@

6267,1L 2332-2352 UNID, mx, hard to clarify, 2337 \'toy mill', 2341 2 words, 2343 \many stanag bursts

* * * * * SAT. 24 AUG. 2013 * * * * *

6304,7 0819-0841 R. MERLIN INT, strong \drifting around, mx, 0820 ID, 0838 long tk, ID, "You're no good"
6304,7 1240-1548 R. MERLIN INT, weak\PLC,atmos > strong peaks, mx and IDs

6095,0 0822-0823 MIGHTY KBC, Rosko, ID, ads for Truck News Magazine and KBC Import
6095,0 1257-1413 MIGHTY KBC, schedule (7375 at night), 60s mx, IDs, ads, Mustang Sally, Blaupunkt ad, MOA '67

6290,5 1342,1549 UNID, e.weak/trace,atmos 1342 v.hard to hear, 1344 gone?, 1549 trace of mx, total f/out

6324,9 1459-1548 UNID, v.weak \PLC, atmos, non stop mx. - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]

6260,0 1551-1551 UNID, pop mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf SW GOLD ]

6930 L 2009-2010 BALTIC SEA R., ID with seagulls, and end ?

6299,9 2012-2030 ODYNN R., mx, gd ev' ..UK, Nirvana, 2020 ID. (maybe end at 2128 ?)

6324,8 2015-2228 UNID, non stopmx, D songs, accordion, 2130 "Plaisir d'amour" by trumpet. - - - -[cf NORTON ]

6289,8 2022-2218 UNID, trace + e.weak peak at 2027 with Irish? song. - - - - - -[ cf R. WHITESTAR ?? ]

6279,9 2022-2148 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, tk: Eurovision, "the Golden Boys", 2031 Mungo J., 2121 ID, etc (2206 China)

6264,8 2037-2123 UNID, e.weak \atmos, accordion, 2045 tk (too noisy), 2123 on 6264,9 and f/out. [ cr R. DR TIM ? ]

3911,9 2048-2113 UNID, trace/e.weak \atmos, other carrier 3912,0 - some mx and tk (see Sunday)

3932,2 2053-2115 UNID (MRF %), e.weak \loc.noise,atmos, mx, tk, 2102 Mr Bluesky

4026,0 2107-2149 LASER HOT HITS \noisy, ID, Martin Scott, temperature, mx..

6260 L 2124-2230 UNID \traffic, mx, short tk, IDs?(no copy), 2127 A.Franklin?, soul, etc. [ cf OVER 60° ]

6300,05 2132-2147 CUPID R., weak \atmos, keyboard mx, 2146 ID+@

6240,0 2142-2231 UNID, polka and tacboom mx - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf FRIELOO ]

6423,4 2151-2155 UNID, \v.noisy, ZZ Top"Gimme all your loving", Paranoid, 2155 shifts to where ? - - [cf SWCH ]

6445,4 2156-2203 UNID, song in E, tk ..Switzerland.. (on the record??), Smoke on the water. (2222 gone) - -[cf SWCH ]

6421,8 2222-2228 STUDIO 52, D and euro mx, 2227 ID, "The wanderer"

6300,25 2229-2230 UNID, pop "'68 guyswill never die" (title?), "Mademoiselle Ninette" in D. [ cf CUPID ]

* * * * * SUN. 25 AUG. 2013 * * * * *

6324,8 0621-1045 UNID, v.well managed mod, non stop D songs, 0721,0744 D? fishers? on 6319u [ cf NORTON ]

6070,0 0626-0820 R. 6150 %, weak, D.Straits"Sultans..", 0649 Rose garden, 0731 "Tommy", Man of action

4026,0 0628-0634 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak, mx, IDs, tk - - (also at 2229 tk, 80s mx)

6300,0 0636-0817 R. WALDMEISTER, v.weak \side ut.noise, much tk over mx, 0741 ID, \much ut.noise, 0810 ID

7265,0 0750-0900* R. GLORIA INT, AM-USB mode, pops, tk and IDs in G (sometimes in E)

7310,0 0750-0910 R. 700, 0755 ID+news in G, 0801 Mireille Mathieu in G, 0908 Blondie, tk G+E, // 6005

6217a-v 0811-0934 UNID, awful modulation with self- jamming, Voice of the Masochists ??

6095,0 0817-1045 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong, mx, tk, IDs, 0845 ads for Blaupunkt and K-Po, KBC. (also c'/d 1500*)

9480,0 0900-0942 R. GLORIA INT, Gloria rock, ID, etc...

6207,0 0914-0938 UNID, e.weak/trace, 0917 Dock of the bay, more 60s mx. - - - - - - - -[ cf MISTI ]

6045,0 0943-1001* SW ROCK, v.strong, Mungo J. skiffle, tk in E, Allman Bros, tk, g's, ID

6300,05 1002-1004* UNID, \ut.QRM, mx, tk. (QSO ?) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf B. ARROW ]

6285,1 1046-1100 UNID, weak, relay pirate and other radio news from USA, incl' FCC vs R.Celestial 1710 kHz

6920,9 1218-1511 PINK PANTHER R., e.weak > weak, "Agadou", then pops, 1259 ID no copy, 1511 ID+@
6920,8 1636,1902 PINK PANTHER %, 1636: Boney M medley, Goodbye my friend, 1902 and 2019: \strong ut.QRM

6745,3 1455-1639 PIONEER ?, mx, accordion, pop, 1510 ID quite unsure, unknown "Mi Amigo" song.

6323,9 1640-1648 UNID, 1641 tk over mx (to Pluto?), D mx - - - - - - - - [ cf ODYNN ]

6305,0 1649-1722 R. TINA, e.weak \PLC,fading 1653 ..Radio -- --, - -, mx, 1701 tk in G, ID

6285,0 1705-1928 UNID, e.weak \atmos, v.hard, mx, 1829 Tom-Tom Club, 1843 drifting het [ all logs : UNID ]

6203,0 1717-1721 BLUESTAR R., ID, Jona Lewie"Stop the cavalry", 1721 Rammstein

6266,1 1821-1858 BOGUSMAN, weak \atmos, noisy ut., 'toy mill', mx, long tk, 'ID'

6220,0 1823-2012 BLUESTAR R., \atmos, D mx, rock, g's, 1855 ID, said on 15070 too.

5800,1 1839-1858 FRS HOLLAND, mx //7600,2 - ID, P.Verbrucken, 1858 early pips, ID

5800,1 1912-1920 UNID, v.weak \atmos, tk in G (FM relay ?), 1920 yodl - - - - - - [ cf FRSH ]

7613,25 1841-2214 UNID, e.weak \atmos, v.hard. mx

6979,9 1900-2127 ROCK R. NETWORK, drift to 6980,2 - rock (and around), 2125 ID, James Bond theme

6280,0 1923-2121 R. TELSTAR SOUTH \noisy,atmos,6275 het, ID but almost no more copy, typ. sound

6207,9 1937-2227 BOGUSMAN (and al. ?), weak \noisyatmos. mx, short and long tk. 1955 "Power to the people", then British TV memories, 2108 tk: Rockall, ID, Cure, 2227 strong, ID

6324,2 2016-2111 R. UNDERGROUND, some drift, rock, jazz, offshore radio nostalgia, IDs+hl+@

6400,0 2017-2017 UNID, mx, \atmos, hard to hear. - - - - - - - - - -[ cf GOOFY ]

7684,9 2021-2205* FRS HOLLAND, mx, IDs+@+POB(2€/3$), drift to 7685,1 and // 5800,0

3904,8 2029-2120 R. ALICE, D weekend mix, 2116 ID, soon c'/d

3912,0 2032-2053 R. LIKEDEELER, \some beating (w. Korea?), rock, incl' Johnny Cash. 2052 ID.

6305,25 2058-2121 R. PAARDENKRACHT, weak \atmos, mx, IDs, power.., Holland for the dummies

6930 L 2216-2221* BALTIC SEA R., mx, seagulls, mx, ID and s/off

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
