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Logs : 17 - 23 JUNE, 2013

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 19:37 pm
by Ray Lalleu

Old logs as usual, a lot not seen elsewhere.

* * * * * MON. 17 JUNE 2013 * * * * *
7310,0 1346-1346 R. 700 %, \his, fading,some atmos. Latino mx from the 50s

6250,0 1904-2356 SW GOLD, good>strong \1h of blips. mx, canned IDs, 2004 "Comme un ouragan"

6206,7 1957-2355 R. MERLIN INT, uncommon at first, then J.Frost with rock, later jazz

6305,0 1958-2151* MUSTANG R., strong \fading, rock, 1959 ID+@, g's, 2150 bye-bye

6290,6 2001-2115 R. ORGASM INT, mx and unclear IDs (2100 clear ID at last), kind of condom ads? (2128 gone)

6284,7 *2003-2151 R. GOUDENSTER, blank, 2009 D song, 2014 ID, D mx, 2101 mx patchwork

4072,25 2106-2111* UNID, v.weak \atmos, instrum mx (incl' 60s pop, rock), sudden off.

6070,0 2137-2139 R. 6150 %, R. Nordzee progr. in D

3929,8 2140-2156 R. BATAVIA, guitar, ID (story of 'Batavia' name), etc...

* * * * * TUES. 18 JUNE 2013 * * * * *

6295,0 1633-1702* UNID, e.weak, mx, tk, Bette Davis eyes ?, 1658 ID no copy [ cf TINA ]

6285,0 1635-1703 R. OSAKA, v.weak \strong PLC, 1640 opera? 1642 ID, pop

6250,0 1647-2311 SW GOLD, v.noisy at first, mx, IDs, 1747 still weak, more pops and canned IDs

6239,5 1651-1709 R. KILOHERTZ, \under PLC, then atmos, stanag... mx, 1708 ID

6294,4v 1750-1759 UNID, quick drift to 6295,3 back to 6294,4 \PLC, atmos. 1759 lost.

6324,9 1800-1854* R. NORTON, accordion \often disturbed, then pops, 1853 ID+@

6295,0 1806-1819 UNID, e.weak \PLC, sp.traffic 6290u. instrum mx.

6284,3v 1820-1851* UNID, e.weak \atmos, up-down drifts!, mx, IDs no copy, "shortwave" in @. (Long Live R. %)

6303,1 1852-1901* UNID, \PLC, "La banda passa", off & back, Michel Sardou ?, and off.

6323,0 1903-1927* R. OLDTIME(R) ??, weak \PLC, D and int. songs, 1910 ID, 1923 les Poppies, "Girl's coconuts"

6735 u 2255-2325 COOL AM & SPACE SHUTTLE, \number stn QRM, mx, IDs as both (+P4P),

6910 L 2301-2321 BALTIC SEA R., mx, many IDs, 2306 ID in Japanese ?, then La Macarena

* * * * * WED. 19 JUNE 2013 * * * * *

7265,0 1304,1429 HAMBURG LOKAL R., weak \atmos, 1304: jazz with G singer, G DJ. 1429 IDs+address in E, mx

6250,0 1616-2341 SW GOLD, weak\atmos > strong\ut blips, mx, canned IDs, (+@ or facebook at times)

6070,0 1910-1913 R. 6150%, \some PLC and atmos. RNI tape with D accent.

6290,6 1943-2101 R. CAROLINE INT, \atmos, occ. "toy mill". ut. tk (from E.Europe?), mx, 2005"Africa", canned IDs.

6305,0 1946-2005 MUSTANG R., strong, mx, IDs, tk in D. (2009 : blank)

6305,0 2012-2023* R. PYTHON, low mod, rep to Mustang, some mx, ID "the snake radio, R. Python"

6239,5 2027-2116 R. KILOHERTZ, weak \bad noise, stanag. mx, IDs, tk, g's in E+G, 20 W

6735 L 2137-2143 UNID, weak \atmos, mx Balkans? Greece?, 2140 This is Ka.... R., QSO, Greek? mx

* * * * * THURS. 20 JUNE 2013 * * * * *

6324,0 1923-1946* ODYNN R., \ut, PLC, atmos. mx, gd ev', ID, mx "7 nations army", Nirvana, etc, 1944 c'/d, anthem

6284,8 2211--2302 R. GOUDENSTER, \atmos, ut. D versions of pops, 2220 ID, 2300 ID+@

* * * ** * FRI. 21 JUNE 2013 * * * * *

6745,25 0855-0908 UNID, weak > trace under noise. D? mx. (also 1352-1357, e.weak, D song) [ cf PIONEER ]

6735,0 0857-0910 UNID, trace-e.weak mx \PLC, side ut, occ.traffic.

6070,0 0904, 1402 R. 6150 %, v.weak, mx. 0904 duo tk. 1403 B.Dylan "I want you".

6324,9 1358-1408 UNID, D song, Shadows ?, H. of rising sun. (also 1618-1624). [ cf NORTON ]

6300,0 1619-1625 UNID, trace +e.weak peaks, mx. [ cf ODYNN ]

6250,0 1619-2259 SW GOLD, v.weak at first \ut.blips, mx, 1624 ID, 1938 ID

6290,6 1934-2105 R. GOOFY (ID at last, after Country? T-shirts? Cookie?), tacaboom and distorted IDs

6720 L 1940-1959 UNID, weak \fades, bad ut.QRM 6713a. mx, Rammstein ?, rock

6909 L 2001-2007 BALTIC SEA R., \atmos, Baccara"Yes sir.., ID+@, La Lambada, ID+@

6300,0 2009-2213* R.Z. MUSTANG, strong, D mix, mike problem?, 2120 ID, rock, more IDs, 2212 bye-bye

6285,0 2021-2021 R. TINA, mx, ID, mx (2036 gone)

6282,0 2036-2113 R. TINA, weak \atmos, Ma belle amie, On the road again, IDs, "free radio from Germany", @

6285,0 2127-2158 R. TINA, mx, IDs, 2133 Charlie Brown, 50W, c'/d 2128 ID, c'/d 10 min, 2154 IDs in G

6285,0 2204,2210 R. TINA ?, 2204 hard to hear, 2210 approx unclear end ? maybe to 6290 at 2211 ?

6300,0 2214-2215* R. TINA, weak, reply to Mustang

6290,0 2216-2235 UNID, D mx, polka, 2218 ID no copy, "Tina Tina" song. Polka \het from 6290,6. [ cf TINA ]

6200,0 2023-2035 A.M.W., transe mx, drums, 2024 voice of J.Frost???, 2030 ID by M, same drum track

6240,0 2113-2207 A.M.W. ?, same drums transe mx as 6200 before

6300,4 2218-2240 R. ZEEWOLF, mx, rpt for Mustang, IDs

6290,6 2222-2258 R. GOOFY ??, \het with 6290,0. Still twisted IDs by W voice. [ cf GOOFY ]

6239,8 2244-2300 R. GOUDENSTER, mx, Dragonslayer, ID, Groningen, hl, ID as Goldstar, g's...

6300,0 2253-2255* UNID, Johnny Cash, switch off at end of track. [ cf POWERLINER ]

6300,3 *2255-2258 R. ZEEWOLF, mx, ID, rep. to Mustang and Powerliner.

* * * * * SAT. 22 JUNE 2013 * * * * *

6250,0 0630-0635 UNID, good \ut. on low side. mx, prob. SW Gold overnight. [ cf SW GOLD ]

6070,0 0633-0821, 1023-1348, R. 6150 %, e.weak, mx, 1348 Janis Joplin, tk in E.
6070,0 1608-2047 R. 6150, mx, tk, 2041 ID+@, more 60s mx.

6206,7 0728-0839 R. MERLIN INT, \occ.noise or PLC, R&R, Jackie Frost, ID, then sugar Elvis, v.weak after 0800

6095,0 *0800-0840 KBC, powerful \PLC pulses heard! Triumphal entrance of Emperor Rosko, C&W rock
6095,0 1020-1223 KBC, Dave Mason playing pop and rock, 1210,1223 ads for K-PO

6316,7 0810-0822 UNID, v.weak \slow fading, occ.ut. (0810 blank on 6316,9) rock on stage

6745,2 1025-1031 UNID, weak +fair peak, 1029 latino mx. (not at 1201)
6745,2 1224-1233* UNID, weak, "Shame on you", no annt, 1233 s/off.
6745,2 1436-2129 PIONEER, 1436 live ID, op sings over D song, then v.weak, non stop D songs.

7265,0 1234-1259* R. CITY, mx from the 50s, DJ known voice, 1246 ID, C&W
7265,0 1259-1300 HAMBURG LOKAL R. in G, was relaying R. CITY, HH Lokal R. ID, nachrichten.

7310,0 1254-1258 R. 700, good, mx, 1255 in G: weather rpt, ID, nachrichten, ID, "service"

6285,0 1350-1443 R. OSAKA, e.weak/strong ! v.well managed mod, mx, tk, IDs no copy , 1432 good ID at last

6266,5 1404-1754 R. MARABU, e.>v.weak +peaks, mx, tk, IDs:1426, 1617, 1746. 1747 offshore story in G., ID.
6266,5 1928-2444 R. MARABU, "non-stop Marabu", mx, mx, 2259 mx, some tk in G, 2400 song in G.

6250,0 1632-2400 SW GOLD, getting strong, non stop mx, 1639 ID, 2015 \ut on low side. 2400 ID

6540,1 1641-1726 SW GOLD, mx, 1646 ID, on-off stn, on-off audio, not // 6250, still not // at 1726.
6540,1 1755-1918 SW GOLD, now // with 6250, 1755 ID, mx, mx, 1918 ID. (not heard at 2140)

6305,0 1700-1753 R. WALDMEISTER, e.weak \noisy, D songs, 1725 ID, D songs, 1750 Bob Dylan, ID

6290,5 1727-1753* UNID, e.weak, non stop mx, then \some atmos, loc.noise, more mx.

6325,0 1919-1921* UNID, mx, some tk (no copy), D tiki mx and switch off. [ cf NACHTPIRAT ]

6299,9 1921-2034 R. MORNING STAR, v.weak, ID, mx, tk in E, 2032 blues-rock, tk, ID.

6290,6 1925-2058 UNID, \het, atmos. mx, mx, 2036 This is ...., more mx. [ cf GOOFY or CAROLINE INT ]

6290,1 1925-1934 UNID, \het, accordion, tk (no copy), D song. [ cf KLABAUTERMAN ]

6284,8 1927-2258 R. GOUDENSTER, ID, "Dragonslayer", 2025 Carribean~, 2214 Pretty woman, 2257 g's

6236,0 1929-2000a UNID, like A.M.W. ? but squeezed by ut's, 2000 het on 6240,2. [ cf MUSTANG ?? ]

6240,3 2003-2003 UNID, mx (2015 gone). [ cf BLACK ARROW ]

6304,7 2010-2213 DELTA R., (1910 blank), ID+JID, "1-2-polizei", 2020 Scatman on 6304,6, ID, 2149 ID on 6304,5

6220,0 2004-2028 UNID, v.weak \atmos,etc... instrum mx, 2028 "the best radio stn ever, Neni(??) Radio" [ cf DELTA ]

3904,9 2048-2057 UNID, good\noisy, bumpy progr. at first, mx. [ cf R.ACTIVITY?? R. ALICE?? ]

3904,9 2203-2334 R. ALICE, 2209 ID, mx, 2333 ID (multilingual), Tomtom Club.

6421,9 2103-2106 UNID, D or G song, CCR"Down on the corner". [ cf STUDIO 52 ]

6730 u 2110-2112 UNID, mx, annt "This is -- -- ", end ?

6910 L 2115-2129 BALTIC SEA R., CCR, ID, See you later alligator, 2120 off, 2125 blues, rock
6910 L 2355-2358 BALTIC SEA R., mx, ID+@, mx

6675 L 2131-2138 UNID, \traffic on 6670L, pops

6325,0 2143-2212 R. CENTURION, fair \noisy, mx, IDs+POB, 2212 "Pop-corn", CQ CQ, ID

6240,15 2158-2325 F.R. VICTORIA, (2154 blank), good mod, "Fernando", ID, g's, pops, \occ. ut. on low side.

6294,9 2225-2227 R. ASCONA, mx, ID as "Pirate Radio Ascona".

6451,0 2229-2247* UNID, strong \noisy, tk with numbers(no copy), rock medley, s/off. [ cf READYMIX ]

6321,9 2252-2322 R ZODIAC, rock, ID+hl, tk, mx, ID+@, Hendrix "..watchtower". (2336 gone)

6300,0 2255-2359 R. POWERLINER INT, D mx, then much pop & rock. 2303 "Hush", 2344 Sh.Blue, ID, Sonny&Cher

6324,8 2301-2301 UNID, last seconds of mx and s/off

6286,6 2337-2400 R. UNDERGROUND INT, downdrift>6286,4 , pops, G songs, 2349 hello, 2350 ID

6300,0 2439-2444 R. ZODIAC, ID, Booker T, said 50W, 2440 off, 2441 back, ID, in QSO with Powerliner...

* * * * * SUN. 23 JUNE 2013 * * * * *

6199,5 0642-0734 R. ORANG UTAN, v.weak, pops, "Jean genie", 0720 hl in E, 0734 ID

6206,6 0644-0920 R. MERLIN INT, jazz, 0727 ID, 0845 IDs, tchacboom, 0920 "Bandolero" in a medley
6206,5 1351-1357 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak, ID, mx, "Major Tom", ID
6206,6 1855-2255 R. MERLIN INT, reggae, IDs, 2032 C&W rock, 2139 J.Frost: Andrew Sisters, 2255 hl

6250,0 0645-0953 SW GOLD, v.>e.weak \noisy, mx,mx, 0722 ID
6250,0 1712-2255 SW GOLD,\ut low side, 1851 Let it be, ID, 2100 Love shack, ID, Yaketi yak, ID...

6266,5 0645-0952 R. MARABU, mx, IDs in G.
6266,5 1351-2255 R. MARABU, mx, tk + IDs in G, 2059 M+W tk, mx.

6324,9 0725-0848 R. NORTON, D songs, 0743 live ID

6310 a 0738-0740 UNID, drums, (0741 gone)

7265,0 0747-0800* R. GLORIA INT, in AM-USB, good-strong, clear, ID, 70s mx, 0755 ID+POB, next on 28 July.

9480,0 0800-0805 R. GLORIA INT, weak, clear, ID over G opera? then over "Gloria" rock, tnx MV Baltic R., etc..

6317,0 0806-0918 UNID, trace +e.weak peaks : some mx.

6095,0 0817-0827 KBC : ad for KBC Import, ID KBC and TRUCKER R., mx...

6070,0 0819-0825 R. 6150 %, e.weak \bit of PLC, ut.QRM ! mx, tk, no copy

6324,8 0933-1048 R. [ STATES ] OF UNREST, e.weak \PLC, mx, IDs+@+web, ID almost clear, @ never clear.

6305,0 1337-1350 UNID, v.weak \noisy, mx, tk,, mx [ cf ODYNN ]

6745,2 1353-1955 PINK PANTHER R., e.weak > strong peaks, mx,mx, 1832 ID

6324,9 1707-1834 R. NORTON, weak \PLC > strong, D songs, 1833 ID

6300,0 1835-2003* UNID, e.weak, mx, IDs?, R&B,, soul, later \strong PLC, atmos. [ cf MORNING STAR ]

6286,0 1838-1839 R. TINA, e.weak \some PLC and atmos, mx, ID, mx. (1850 gone)

6279,9 2006-2058* R. NIGHT PIRATE, D mx, IDs (2057 clear at last), 2024 "blanks" then tk over mx :-((

6305,0 2009-2011* UNID, e.weak \atmos, mx : "Chagrin d'amour".

6399,9 2038-2053 UNID, 8 min loop: 5' tk about Edward Snowden and CIA, then 3' mx. (Caroline Int ?)

6284,9 *2111-2117 R. NACHTPIRAAT, D song, ID, mx parts, rpt in D, mess of mx and tk

6488,1 2119-2144 UNID, e.weak \atmos,squeezed(stanag and RTTY), some mx heard. [ cf RAVEN -UK ]

3904,7 2133-2136* R. LIKEDEELER, \noisy, mx, tk about hotline, 2136 ID and c/d

6299,5 2249-2257* UNID, mx, ID no copy, 2256 ..testing .. test station .. c/d .. and s/off. (WIZARD ??)

6283,1 2253-2258* UNID, mx, mx, a few seconds of blank and s/off at 2257'53"

6299,4 2302-2303* R. UNDERGROUND INT, ID, "in QSO with the Wizard, mx and s/off

6299,7 2303-2310 WIZARD R., mx, ID, Driver seat, drift (6299,6), technical tk, mx.

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
