LOGS : 24 FEB. - 02 MAR. 2014

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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOGS : 24 FEB. - 02 MAR. 2014

Post by Ray Lalleu »


- R. Sugartown was of course R. Supersound. Free idea of ID for a station playing "sugar" songs !

- 6325 Unid, look for [You Tube R. ], sounded like another R.Tina alias

- "euro-song", "euro-singer": I mean Eurovision-like songs, singers from Greece, Italy, Spain...

- Cosmic R. logged again from Tuesday to Sunday

- a few mysterious low power signals, including on 41 and 76 m

A week with ups and down, including dipole down once again on Saturday, repaired same day

* * * * * MON. 24 FEB. 2014 * * * * *

5780,0 0714-0756 HORIZON FM, ID, "Radio made in the Canaries", mx (0759 gone)

6304,8 1016-1021* UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, 1019 slogans ?, s/off at 1021'20"

6305,1 1022-1102 R. MERLIN INT, v.>e.weak \hush noise, mx, IDs, offshore nostalgia (Caroline, Mi Amigo, Laser 558)
6305,1 1253-1359 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak, mx, IDs, offshore nostalgia (Caroline, Veronica, CNBC, Laser 558)
6305,1 1629-1635 R. MERLIN INT, same programme in a loop (3h long ) 1631 "Keep on running"

6266,3 1259-1307 UNID, trace-e.weak \PLC etc. mx, 1303 tk, 1307 end ?

6266,4 1632-1808 LASER HOT HITS, fair \var. noises, mx, IDs - - - - - - [ via BLACKBEARD ]

6303,6 1802-1803 UNID, v.weak, blank, then allo-test-een-twe, and off (1804 trace again)

6303,6 1809-1814 UNID, strong, messing with mod, mx, allo-allo, 1813 this is - - , allo, mx

4026,0 1955-2335 LASER HOT HITS, strong, mx, tk, IDs. 2331 \Stanag bursts

3900 L 2016-2017 UNID, e.weak \hush noise, atmos. oriental song, duo tk, then lost

* * * * * TUES. 25 FEB. 2014 * * * * *

6293,0 1015-1017 Z. VERONA, v.weak \PLC +weak peak, D mx, tk in D, tnx in E, ID

6305,1 1454-1635 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak \strong PLC, mx, IDs, Rose garden, plug DrTim News, reggae

6294,95 1503-1540* UNID, e.weak \strong PLC, mx, 1538 "Radio gaga" - - - -[ cf SILVERBACK ]

6285,0 1505-1618 UNID, e.weak \strong PLC, tk, mx, no details - - - - - -[ cf ALTREX ]

6280,2 1506-1635* COSMIC R., e.weak \strong PLC, mx, 1524 Mr Tambourineman, ID not sure, 1545 "Born in the USA", 1601 f'/up, pops, 1634 clear ID, end
6280,2 1650-1955 COSMIC R., e.weak \PLC, later traffic, mx, 1704 Blue hotel, 1758 JID (not good), 1909 ID~, Kraftwerk, 1938 known "6-2-80" robot jingle.

6325,0 1546-1555 UNID, v.weak \PLC, D songs. - - - - - - [ cf VERONA ]

6295,0 1618-1647 R. TINA ?, e.weak-trace \PLC. 1624 Rosamunde, 1639 gd aft', R.Tina (ID or not?), D songs. [cf DSS]

6285,0 1648-1751 R. TELSTAR INT, fair \PLC, strong peaks, D songs, IDs: 1735,1746,1751
6285,0 1759-1915 UNID, weak > e.weak, ment' DrTim, R&R, Dmx, mx, tk, euro mx (1917 gone) [ cf SILVERBACK ]

6746,9 1713-1807 PIONEER R., v.weak \noisy > good peaks, mx, 1715 ID, 1726 Moonlight shadow, 1748 ID, with COOL AM R., 1807 Leader of the pack

3904,95 1920-2003* R. ALICE, stron \noisy, D mx, D v. of "Minnie petite souris", 1959 ID, c'/d soon

6915,0 1939-1949* PREMIER R. INT, good \noisy, mx, tk, ID, Suzy Quatro, sudden s/off

* * * * * WED. 26 FEB. 2014 * * * * *

6284,9 0926-0931* RODE ADELAAR, e.weak \PLC, D mx, ID over polka, end

6305,1 1549-1842 R. MERLIN INT, fair > strong \PLC, pop oldies, IDs1709 Troggs "Wild thing", W DJ
6305,1 1942-2128 R. MERLIN INT, \strong ut.QRM, rock, pop, 2037,2046 IDs

6295,0 1551-1602 UNID, fair \PLC, pop, mx
6295,0 1602-1613 R. POWERLINER INT, mx, tk in D, IDs, ment' Pluto

6285,0 1557-1600 R. SUGARTOWN ??, \Chinese QRM, Red River rock ;-), ID (hard), bye-bye. [ cf SUPERSOUND ]

6324,9 1603-1610 R. PLUTO, e.weak \Morse, mx, many IDs. (1612 gone)

6260,0 1616-1619 UNID, Stray Cats ?, then long blank

6250,0 1619-1622* R. CASANOVA, mx, tk to Silverback, Telstar, 1621 ID in sp., c'/d, ID

6210,1 1623-1709 UNID, e.weak \noisy, mx (tk, ID? over mx, no copy), D or G songs. [cf R. BIZON ]

6295,1 1639-1646* R. EXPERIENCE, mx, rep. to Powerliner, ID, OK Pluto... sudden s/off at 1645'57"

6294,9 *1646-1652* UNID, v.weak, mx, rep. to Experience, Powerliner, etc..

6295,1 *1652-1703 R. EXPERIENCE, good\PLC, instrum mx, D song, synthe(JM.Jarre?), ment' Pluto, P.liner, Odynn, IDs

6308,9 1655-1717 UNID, \QRM from Merlin, mx. (1743 trace)

6294,9 1713-1714 R. PLUTO, QSO going on, ID+@

6285,0 1718-1806* UNID, weak \PLC, rock, pops, jazz, D songs, Elvis, 1805 R.MIR ID, plug P4P. [cf SILVERBACK]

6280,1 1723-1944 COSMIC R., e.weak \squeezed, Pop-corn, 1724 ID, mx, 1809,1823,1944: JIDs

6300,1 1732-1756 UNID, e.weak \PLC,traffic6300u. mx, 1735 "Ramona" (in G?), D or G mx (1812 gone)

6268,0 1825-2012 UNID, weak-strong \PLC, ut.splash. pops, 1845 W voice (no copy). (2026 gone)

3905,1 *1953-2035 SKYLINE JUNIOR, strong \blips,var.ut.noises. D pops, 1957 g's, ID

6924,0 2015-2024 UNID, barely heard under strong OC, 2021 (phone?) numbers in E

6909,9 2132-2240 R. TIDAL WAVE, v. strong, pops, tk, g's, IDs hard to understand (Tower Eiffel?, Toiler Lift?, etc), catch only at 2237 when hearing ~ tadal vave ~, 2148 I got the power, 2208 g's to Mick, dipole 20m high, home built TX, pres. Danna Winner, 2216 Peggy Sue, ID~+@, Down town, parts of oldies...

6262,5 2230-2244 UNID, weak, electric guitars (Shadows and alike).

* * * * * THURS. 27 FEB. 2014 * * * * *

6305,0 1334-1422 UNID, e.weak\PLC, D mx, 1348 "Pop-corn". (1444 gone)

6324,9 1415-1446 UNID, e.>v.weak \PLC, D mx, 1430 All over the world, 1442 Pour un flirt, D song again

6290,0 1932-2120 HORIZON FM, good \fading, hum till 2000. pops, IDs, 1958 ads, 2000 news, 2008 "The station you can hear everywhere you go", then fair \traffic 6290u. (Also 2302-2318 e.weak, mx, ID)

* * * ** * FRI. 28 FEB. 2014 * * * * *

6285,85 1247-1322 FOCUS INT, v.>e.weak \PLC, mx, rock, tk, IDs+@ (1328 gone ?)
6285,85 1353-1408 FOCUS INT, weak \PLC, pop-rock, 1356 ID, MiddleAges cartoon mx, f'/down again (1413 gone)

6920,0 1427-1438 TRANSEUROPE, weak +peaks \noisy, D instrum, 1434 Man of action, ID, g's, ID+@ (1453 gone)

6949,9 1430-1452 R. PLUTO, e.weak \noisy, mx, tk, gd aft' ID, tech tk, 1451 Jefferson Airplane, ID, end ?

6975,1 1445-1447 UNID, e.weak \fading, "Mr Tambourineman", then noise and lost.

6284,65 1458-1506 FOCUS INT, e.weak \fades, undermod, audio problem 1500 MiddleAges cartoon, 1503 ID
6284,8 1526-2002 FOCUS INT, good>strong, pop-rock, tk, IDs, 1910 Crunchy gr., 1942 Taxman, The night before
6284,8 2212-2358 FOCUS INT, v.>e.weak, mx, tk, 2212 ID

6291,9 1510-1512 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, and lost - - - - - - - -[ cf PLUTO ]

6298,0 1513-1533 R. ALTREX ?, e.weak at best \sticky PLC, mx, 1515,1518 IDs (not sure), mx, tk.

6305,0 1534-1537 UNID, e.weak \PLC, deep fade, mx

6325,0 1539-1608 R. ALTREX, e.weak \PLC+loc.noise, D mx, pops, IDs (hard, 1556 good one)

6315,05 1558-1558 UNID, trace-e.weak \noisy, mx (1600 gone)

6305,5 1601-1602 UNID, v.weak, polka, then v.quiet mx. (1606 gone)

6300,1 1603-1606 UNID, v.weak, some gospel, then "On the road again"

6295,0 1608-1617 R. POWERLINER INT, fair\noisy, Elvis?, bugles, ID, testing, g's, D mx, tnx rpts..

6280,1 1618-1710 COSMIC R. ?, e.weak \noisy, squeezed, mx, ID (not clear), mx

6245,0 1621-1627 UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC, mx, tk, IDs (no copy) by W+M, gd aft' - - - - [cf ETHERFREAK ]

6214,9 1628-1634 UNID, v.weak \PLC, pop, polka, g's, "e-mail address is ---.com", No woman no cry (1644 gone)

6265,0 1639-1651* R. CASANOVA, v.weak>good \PLC, folk, IDs and g's, C&W, end
6264,9 *1652-1654 SALLANDSE BOER, strong \hum, polka, 1654 ID, rep. to Casanova
6265,0 1659-1703 UNID, v.weak \PLC, het6260, guitar, tk in D, etc, 1703 flattened
6264,9 *1703-1705 SALLANDSE BOER, strong, mx, ID, ment' Odynn, Casanova, 80s synthe mx

6325,0 1706-1800* UNID, weak \PLC,noisy. pops, 1711 ID=?, Red River rock, 1719 Elvis"It's now or never", 1722 tk over "Red River rock" again, CCR"Bad moon, 1741 tk in D+E, 1758 Elvis?, 1800 a few words, end. [cf YOU TUBE R. ]

6290,7 1708-1807 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW, v.weak hard to hear, P4P, mx, 1747 ID

6305,1 1724-1810 R. MERLIN INT, \PLC, noise ut., mx, 1733 Final countdown, 1738 ID

6240,05 1752-1802 R. RONALISA, mx, IDs+@, 'piraat' song, tnx rpt

6255,05 1910-2002 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak \hets + -5, IDs, mx, Daydream, Let's go to S.Francisco

6245,0 1912-1939 UNID, \scratching spur on L-side, She works hard for the money, rock. (1948 gone) [ cf AC-DC ]

6205,5 1913 - - 2218 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
6265,5 2339-2344 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango

6295,0 1920-2001* R. BOOMERANG, strong peaks \Stanag bursts, bpm, synthe, 1949 If you be my girl, Papa l'Americano, 1958 cajun "The red neck", Reveille rock, ID, bye-bye, s/off at 2001'37"

6285,0 2207-2243 R. RAINBOW INT, v.weak \PLC, RTTY, mx, 2209 ID, mx, mx..

6295,0 2210-2442 R. POWERLINER INT, fair \PLC, pops, C&W, 2211 ID(w. BLACK SCORPION), 2244 Tiger feet, 2315 J.Cash, 2442 ID (w. R. KGB ?)

6210,0 2214-2227 BLUESTAR R., v.weak \RTTY u-side, gd ev'-aft'-abend... 2216 g's, ID, pop (Nena?), pops

6450,9 2228-2312 UNID, weak \PLC, transe-bpm, 2248 tk, mx, mx, 2259 Stop the cavalry [cf STUDIO 52 ]

6924,5 2235-2240 UNID, v.weak \atmos, IS then ID ?, mx (chinese mx?), 2238 news? (by W). Opposition stn ?

6321,5v 2300-2403 UNID, e.weak, drift to 6321,3mx, D mx, euro-mx, 2342 deep fade, back w. pops

6242,1 2316-2345* SLUWE VOS, good, mx, ID, J.Cash, pops, 2344 ID+@, c'/d, "I'll be back", off

6235,0 2322-2332 UNID, weak, Wonderful Xmas time, We wish you a merry Xmas, Blue monday [cf NORTON]

6238,0 2340-2400 UNID, weak, worst of JM.Jarre, 2346 allo..QRM..gd ev', better JM.Jarre... [cf OVER 60°]

6325,8 2444-2447 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW, weak\PLC, E.European sound?, ID+@, mx (2449 gone)

* * * * * SAT. 01 MAR. 2014 * * * * *

6325,8 0744-0804 R. RAINBOW, v.weak\PLC, mx, tk, 0756 ID. (0832 trace, 0836 gone)

6284,8 0749-0923 FOCUS INT, fair \noisy, pop-rock, IDs
6284,8 1154-1419 FOCUS INT, mx, DJ duet
6284,8 2110-2402 FOCUS INT, strong, pops, 2247 e.weak now, 2344 My Sharona

6280,1 0751-0940 COSMIC R., e.weak \noisy, mx, 0758 JID, 0940 Kraftwerk "Radioactivity"

7265,0 0800-0801 HAMBURG LOKALE R., in AM-USB, ID and tk in G., mx

7310,0 0802-0835 R. 700, "Mexico", 0834 ID, mx

6005,0 0802-0802 R. BELARUS, tk in G.

6304,9 0905-0905 UNID, e.weak, mx

6219,9 0913-0937 UNID, e.weak \under strong PLC, mx. - - [ cf RODE ADELAAR ]

6205,0 0916-0931 UNID, e.weak \strong PLC, mx. - - - -[cf KING SW ]

6802,8 0924-0926 UNID, v.weak \PLC, pops. (also 1159, 1407). - - [ cf PINK PANTHER ]

6254,9 1155-1204 R. MERLIN INT, weak \PLC, ID, mx, tk. (also 1404 v.weak)

6095,0 1205-1209 MIGHTY KBC, good-strong \some PLC, pops, ID, KBC Import ad

6295,0 1358-1419 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, tk over mx from time to time - - - - [ cf MONIQUE ]

(Spent time for a better repair of the dipole)

6324,9 1609-1609 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW, v.weak, ID

6255,0 2104-2107 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, \noisy, "Pamela", ID, Golden Boys
6295,0 2108-2115* UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC "..pirate R. testing .. N.part of NL .. v.low power" [cf ETHERFREAK]

6379,9 2116-2151 UNID, \stanag6385, mx, weak IDs+@ (no copy), transe mx. (2210 gone) [ cf FLUX AM ]

6724,6 2125-2345 R. TOWER, strong, pops, Born to be alive, ID+@, 2300 weak now, 2345 D v. of"Etoile des neiges"

6746,9 2129-2346 UNID, strong>e.weak, D songs, blanks, messing, parts, 2303 Born in the USA [cf PIONEER ]

6265,5 2143-2402 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango

3905,0 2154-2200 UNID, v.weak \noisy, atmos, mx, mx.. - - - - [ cf RONALISA ]

6295,0 2206-2209* UNID, e.weak, mx, instrum mx, sudden s/off

6375 L 2210-2257 UNID, v.weak \fax, hard to clarify, blues, RnB, 2222,2253 too short annts [ cf OVER 60° ]

3924,9 2234-2342 CRAZY WAVE R., weak \hush noise, mx, IDs, 2246 La Bamba, 2341 ID+@

6295,0 2304-2312 R. ETHERFREAK, weak, mx, gd m', ID, then >e.weak \sticky PLC

6290,7 2309-2402 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW, M+W in E, mx, no ID heard but seems a repeat from Friday

3905,0 2318-2336 HORIZON FM, e.weak, mx, tk at times, v.hard to hear, 2336 ID

6295,0 2346-2359 UNID, e.weak \noisy, traffic6295L, mx, a few short peaks

6914,9 2352-2445 PREMIER R. ?, v.-e.weak \atmos, bad fading, mx, IDs hard to hear, 2426 "Sunny"

6975,5 2432-2455 R. FREE WHATEVER, v.weak\noisy,fading, mx, IDs, 2455 tk: Artic Monkeys

6925,0 2441-2445 UNID \traffic, noisy, v.hard, mx

* * * * * SUN. 02 MAR. 2014 * * * * *

6294,95 0750-0800* BLACK ARROW, fair \noisy,PLC, American woman, Barracuda, g's, c'/d ID

6284,8 0750-1125 FOCUS INT, strong, pop-rock, IDs, 0921 "24h a day", 1107 Troggs, DJ Terry Phillips
6284,8 1313-1946 FOCUS INT, fair\PLC > soon strong again, mx, 1934 the Who, 1946 IDs
6284,8 2137-2339 FOCUS INT, strong, pop-rock, IDs, tk, 2316 Troggs again (repeat?), 2338 f'/down

6300,1 0753-1126 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, 0837 OTH, " .. kHz .. NL", 1038 hum, 1103 tk, then f/down. [cf BIZON ]

6306,15 0753-0759 UNID, v.weak\PLC, mx, 0755 tk in D, D song. (0801 gone)

6205,05 0802-0858 UNID, v.weak-weak\PLC, mx, pop, synthe. - - [cf KING SW ]

6200,9 0803-0803 UNID, e.weak, "Don't let me be misunderstood" (Santa Esmeralda ??)

6220,7 0806-0845 UNID, trace > 0828 e.weak\PLC, mx > 0845 only trace again. [cf SKYLINE R.G. ]

6245,0 0847-0908 UNID, fair \PLC, "Beat it", rock, 0908 Take it easy (title?). - - [ cf AC-DC ]

6210,6 0852-0929 UNID, e.weak, mx, annts: 0853 ..hotmail.com, 0855 ..kHz, then \PLC, mx. [ cf SKYLINE R. G. ]

7424,9 0931-1010 CRAZY WAVE R., v.weak \PLC, rock, pop, in G and E, IDs (IDs OK after 10h00)

7390,0 0939-0954 UNID, mx, disturbed by stronger open carrier, hum (OC still there at 1046, stn gone ??)

7300,0 0942-1000* U-BOAT R., soft rock, 0947 ID+@, mx

7294,9 0942-0942 UNID, e.weak, " ..pirate radio .. music radio @gmail.com" in a loop (0948 gone)

7265,0 0950-1000* MV BALTIC R., AM-USB, fair-good, ID+@+web in G+E, mx, Eve of destruction, 0958 Man of action

7310,0 0953,1000 UNID, strong. 0753: mx, mx. 1000: song in G (prob. R700 or relay by R700)

6305,0 1034-1053 UNID, v.weak \PLC, low mod? mx, 1048 clarinet, 1051 D? song(in E), (1102 gone)

6250,0 1039-1053 R. MIR (via ?), v.weak \PLC, loop with ID and "Russia attacks Ukraine..."

6910,05 1042-1117 PREMIER R. INT, ID, complains about rain,rain,rain..., mx 1046 time check, ID+@

6802,8 1112-1353 PINK PANTHER R., v.>e.weak \PLC, mx, 1115 ID+@

6802,8 1540-1933 PINK PANTHER R., \v.annoying RTTY, 1929 better\stanag6806a, ID, g's, 1931 ID+@

6095,0 1127-1158 KBC %, strong, yelling W singer (Laura Branigan acc. to DJ, Rosko's voice), Jean genie.

6305,0 1158,1311 R. BATAVIA ?, v.weak\PLC, 1158 tk in D, ID: R. (Bat?) avia. 1311 euro-song

6209,8 1315-1316 TIME R., weak\PLC, D-like song, ID, mx

6275,0 1318-1320 UNID, \PLC, some mx there

6393,1 1323-1325* BAKEN 16, \het, tk in D, ment' Pluto .. modulatie .. B.Arrow, c'/d, JID.
6395,0 1325-1327 UNID, v.weak \PLC, was the het, then tk, mx, accordion
6393,0 1328-1332 R. PLUTO ?, e.weak\PLC, tk in D, really said "R. Pluto", IDing? (more of QSO below)

6300,85 1337-1624 UNID, e.weak\deep fades > weak, pops, D songs, IDs by junior (no copy) [ cf JOEY ]

6262,8 1551-1600* COSMIC R., v.weak \PLC, audio dropouts, 1559 JID, 1600 sudden s/off
6262,8 1608-1803 COSMIC R., v.weak \PLC, My little runaway, Stand by me, 1628 JID, mx, later Stanag bursts

6310,0 1616-1725 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, \ut U-side, repeat: Pamela, IDs.. 1644 R.London jingles, mx (1735: OC)

6393,1 1629-1633* BAKEN 16, tk over mx, Tainted love, 1633 JID, off
6393,0 1633-1639 R. ZODIAC, QSO with VOTN, Baken... ID, rpt for Baken16, mx

6392,9 1645-1647 UNID, "Peter Gunn", tk in D, ment' Baken16, Zodiac.

6238,3 1804-1815 UNID, e.weak \splash(from who??), 1806 Rhythm of the night, 1808 \stanag bursts, mx

6305,95 1816-1823 UNID, guitar, D mx, tk(but I was away), accordion - - - - - - [cf POWERLINER ]

6274,9 1914-1935 R. ASCONA, good-strong \fading, D mx, gd ev', IDs, D mx, g's (1946 gone)

6265,5 1920 - - 2339 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango

6424,0 1923-1928 R. UNIVERSE, mx, guitars, ID+@, W singers"Tonight"

3931 L 2208-2232 UNID, mx, duo tk, 2217 "This is free radio - - ", kind of techno, blanks/breaks (it's LSB)

6305,0 2237-2327 R. POWERLINER INT, strong, mx, IDs, g's, 2320 now polkas

6325 L 2246-2250 UNID, e.weak, blues, said "Johnny Guitar Watson", RTTY bursts on 6326, QSY [cf OVER 60° ]

6321 L 2253-2314 UNID, ex 6325, blues, @ (no copy), \ut.QRM from 6315, 2314 sudden off - -[cf OVER 60° ]

6935 u? 2322-2336 UNID, mx in SSB, hard to clarify, weak \fades

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.

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