LOGS : 23 FEB. - 01 MAR. 2015

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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOGS : 23 FEB. - 01 MAR. 2015

Post by Ray Lalleu »


Look for Blue Moon R. on 6849 (Fri-Sat-Sun), R. Gigant on Sunday, a lot of transmissions or relays on 6070, 6065, 9865, 6005, 7310, etc... (a lot not really IDed, but they should be just as scheduled).
R. Mirabelle was on the air everyday (or almost), but I identified it only once.
Several stations/relays on 6950 on Sunday (morning to evening).

* * * * * MON. 23 FEB. 2015 * * * * *

6070,0 0842-0847 CHANNEL 292, RNI recording, fair-good\some loc.noise; also Morse(on the recording?)
6070,0 1655-1700 CHANNEL 292, RNI recording, \some QRM, 1658 Chinese mx, 1700 flattened by R. Kitaya

6320,0 1701-1710* HITMIX, v.weak\PLC; mx, tk, ID over CCR, some D song, 1708 bye-bye, c'/d, s/off at 1710'40"

6299,9 1704-1816 R. NORTON, weak\PLC, var.stanag and hets around; D song, polka, disco medley, 1805 ID

6306,9 1725-1751* UNID, strong,good mod; blanks, rock, 1739 Son of a preacher man, These boots.., Hocus pocus

4026,0 2007-2154 LHH, fair\RTTY4020 > good\fading; special Motown, Caroline North, 2148 OEM-FSN-M.Andrews

6305,1 2014-2022 UNID, v.weak\var.ut bursts; instrum, brass mx, whistlers, waltz.

6320,0 2016-2024 UNID, v.weak; comedy, mx, D? song, 2024 good peak\fading,atmos; (2027 gone) Car-Rb ?

6390,0 2028-2127* UNID, e.weak\atmos,squeezed by ut. +peaks; mx, 2049 some tk, 2055 rock, C&W . [cf MIRABELLE]

3940,0 2143-2159 UNID, e.weak; slow tk (no mx) , maybe in E (maybe some stn from Asia?)

* * * * * TUES. 24 FEB. 2015 * * * * *

6070,0 0752-0826 R. CHANNEL 292, Golden Days of Offshore Radio (Caroline), 1105 ad:DARC. (Also 1544-1600)

6215,1 1107-1128 R. NORA, v.weak\PLC; Crunchy granola, The letter, "test-een-twee", IDs in D+E

6290,0 1449-1457* R. ODYNN, e.weak\PLC; Silver machine, ID+hl+@, mx, Pump up the volume, IDs

3930,0 1816-2147 R. BATAVIA, weak >fiar\noisy > v.weak; IDs+details, pops, 1821 La ballade des gens heureux, 1831 trumpet, 2037 Monday monday, 2103 Hendrix, 2139 Man of action, 2141 Mexico(pop)

4026,0 1854-2132 LHH, mx, tk, 2029 reggae, "Laser".

3905,1 1946-2143 SKYLINE INT R., mx, tk, 2024 ded., "Open up your heart", 2059, 2127,2143 IDs

* * * * * WED. 25 FEB. 2015 * * * * *

6070,0 0727-0728 R. CHANNEL 292, recording of Radio Monique in D

7265,0 0729,0845 HLR, 0729-0735 World of Radio dated 19th Feb. 0845 Humor on stage

6319,2 1450-1626 R. RAINBOW ?, trace>e.weak\occ.bigPLC; 1459 seagulls, 1600 ID?, 1618 SSTV, 1626 lost

6305,0 1452-1458 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, 1458 end ?

6290,0 1505-1554 UNID, e.weak\PLC,deep fading; 1517 Roxane, 1545 some tk. - - - [ cf MIRABELLE ]

6240,0 1555-1556* R. CASANOVA, instrum mx, ID, s/off at 1556'35"

6263,5 1628-1630 UNID, e.weak, lost before finding good tuner settings

6290 u 1635-1636 UNID, fair\het; pop mx in USB, end?

6290,5 1636-1846* R. CAROLINE, v.weak; var. mx, many IDs and JIDs

6205,0 1658-1716* R. BARRAQUDA, fair-good; better in USB mode, mx, 'Baccaruda' joke, 1707-1709 messing on 6210

6240,0 1718-1721* R. CASANOVA, strong; mx, tnx rpt, ID, c'/d, bye-bye

6389,95 1726-1733 R. MIRABELLE, v.weak\PLC, bad mod., Morse; rep in F to Casanova, F song, ID

6319,9 1820-1824* R. ZODIAC, weak\PLC; mx, R.Zodiac (ID?) in D, rpt from Z.Zero(Zeewolf?), mx

6319,9 1826-1828* UNID, weak\PLC, tk in D, ment' Zodiac, Zeewolf, (E.Moricone mx), end 1827'52"

4026,0 *1833-2347 LHH carrier only, no audio.

6400,0 2113-2130 B. BANDIT %, strong; D "Marylou" song several times, blanks, 2122 C&W, end 2130 approx

6390,0 2114-2117 UNID, e.weak\ut.; rap, end ?

* * * * * THURS. 26 FEB. 2015 * * * * *
6070,0 0740-0742 CHANNEL 292 %, a New year recording, tk about George Orwell (not quite clear, QRM ?)

6265,9 1558-1743 UNID, e.weak\PLC > trace; some mx at best times, then blank or trace (also till 2003 on 6265,7)

6325,1 1600-1613 UNID, v.weak\PLC, R&R, D song, accn, "Just an illusion" for Dr Tim (1618 gone). [ cf OLDTIMER ]

6930,0 1724-1818 R. BLACKBEARD, good; mx, jingle, 1744,1748 IDs, 1808-1818 c'/d ID+@+hl, mx

6290,0 1732-1819 UNID, v.weak\PLC,noisy; mx, 1752 song in F, mx. - - - [ cf MIRABELLE ]

6295,0 1915-1935* R. JOEY, \light mod.; cutting tracks: Daddy's cool, rock, "Vietnam".. 1925 now IDing too, I feel love.

6295,0 1939-2131* R. JOEY, mx, 1948 known voice, 1952 Funky town, Nutbush City limits, 2119 scratch DJ

4026,0 2005-2310 LASER HOT HITS, mx, IDs, 2115 Born to be wild, 2143 King of the road, ads FSN-OEM

3929,9 2302-2329 R. BATAVIA, v.weak\hams > strong, \much atmos; 60s pops, best of Eurovision contest ? 2308 ID

* * * ** * FRI. 27 FEB. 2015 * * * * *

6070,0 0737-0741 CHANNEL 292, \fading; rec' of R.Nordzee in D (also 1559-1647: pops, tk in D, tobacco ad)

6745 L 1605-1606 UNID, mx in LSB, then QSY ?, lost

6290,0 1611-1649 HITMIX %, e.>v.weak; mx, typical tk, D songs

6300,0 1759-1803 UNID, fair+peaks \fading,some atmos; pops. - - - [ cf MIRABELLE ]

6385,0 1804-1815* UNID, weak\traffic; rock, "Smoke on the water". - - - [ cf MISTI ]

6240 u 1818-1823 UNID, strong; mx in USB, 1823 end ?

6849,4 1825-1837 UNID, weak-v.weak\fading; rock, 1827 This is - - Radio, Stranglers, 1837 ID(=?) in E

6385,0 1923-1930 LITTLE FEAT R., pops, IDs, R&R, ID+@ spelling FEAT. (1950 gone)

6209,8 1932-2001 R. PYTHON, good\noisy; mx, tk in E and D, IDs, "Wodka wodka" (2014 gone)

6325,0 1941-2023 PREMIER R. INT, weak\noisy; time check, 60s pop-rock, IDs. 1957 \squeezed:het6328 till 2020

4026,0 2007-2258 LASER HOT HITS, up to strong\RTTY4020; repeat of Valentine day after.

3900 L 2125-2129 UNID, \not clear; instrum mx, tk, few words at a time (QSO ?, russian ?)

* * * * * SAT. 28 FEB. 2015 * * * * *

6849,4 0733-0937 BLUE MOON R., \ut. L-side, rock, 0754 Smoke on the water, 0828 "test transmission", IDs (no copy for a while), My Sharona, 0846 L.A. woman, \F traffic 6847,7u (said they hear the music), Born to be wild, 0923 Goodbye my friend, 0927 ID clear at last.
6849,4 1147-1325 BLUE MOON R., e.weak, 1147 "L.A. woman" again, 1315 ID, "Call me". Must be a 3h long loop
6849,4 1520-1719 BLUE MOON R., e.weak, 1520 Goodbye my friend, 1526 ID + ..@gmail, 1658 Smoke on the water

6204,95 0739-0827 UNID, v.weak; mx, mx, 0827 two words, jingle (no copy)

6070,0 0741-0743 R. MI AMIGO, good\fading, slight QRM in E; G song, ID+contacts in G
6070,0 1138-1321 UNID, fair-good, mx, 1157 @ and www (under short loc. noise), mx - - - [ cf BLUESTAR ? ]
6070,0 1600-1609 UNID, some samba-like mx, mx

6875,1 0828-0923 UNID, v.>e.weak\hard to hear; mx, tk in it. (+a few words in E.). - - - - - - [ cf EUROPE ]

9510,0 0902-0917 R. CITY, powerful, audio OK today; pops, tk in E (known voice)

6325,1 0937-0943 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; pops

6259,9 0938-0945 UNID, v.weak; ID (no copy) +hotmail, mx, rock. - - - - - - [ cf POLARIS ]

6240,1 0939-0939* UNID, mx, end

6065,0 1135-1324 R. REVIVAL %, L sideband stronger, v.weak\splash from 6055; mx, tk, 1313 jazz
9865,0 1141,1313 R. REVIVAL %, mx, tk in Swedish(?), 1313 jazz //6065 (Also 1700-1702 C&W //6065)
6065,0 1604,1701 R. REVIVAL %, 1604 C&W , tk in Swedish(?). 1701 rock in AM-LSB, Shaking all over, \het

6095,0 1139-1600* KBC, v.strong; pops, IdS, Golden Age of R&R, 1558 c'/down

6244,1 1154-1155* UNID, v.weak; mx, tk ..amateur.., and end. - - - - - - [ cf VRIJE NEDERLAND ]

6390,0 1533-1540* UNID, e.weak\PLC; b.b. & synthe mx

6325,1 1541-1612 BLAUWE PANTER, v.weak\PLC,noisy; mix pop-rock and D mx, 1544 ID

6300,0 1556-1722* MAVERICK, weak-v.weak\PLC; C&W, pops, 1640 Queen of hearts, g's, ID+web site, 1703 \F fisher6300u; 1719 Moonlight shadow, c'/d, g's, bye-bye

6290,0 1557-1723 UNID, v.weak; non-stop mx: pops, rock, C&W. - - - - - -[ cf MIRABELLE ]

6245,0 1557-1629 UNID, "Romeo & Juliet", rock, rock - - - - - - - - - [ cf AC-DC ]

6234,9 1558-1713 R. PANDORA, mx, 1619 ID no copy, 1631 ID, pops, 1635 robot voice JID, 1711 ment' XTC

6307,1 1645-1719 R. RAINBOW, v.-e.weak +v.short peaks; typ. tk, 1647 ID, 1703 "She's a rainbow"

6385,0 1648-1650* R. HiTMIX, Mungo Jerry, ID, c'/d, bye-bye - - - [ cf QSO ]

6950,0 1650-1717 UNID, rock, \RTTY6948,traffic6950u; (so tried 6953 at 1655, back), hip-hop [cf BLACKBEARD ]

4026,0 2224-2423 LASER HOT HITS, strong\fading; mx, tk, "Laser", 2257 ad FSN, 2328 \it.traffic4028u

3930,0 2228-2317* UNID, weak-fair\traffic; R&B, g's in E, 3-9-3-zero, non stop blues, 2316 bye-bye [cf OVER 60°]

3905,0 2235-2424 R. ALICE, strong, pops, D/G/euro songs, 2312 Teenage queenie, 2326 ID. [ guest ORANJE FM ]

6290,0 2425-2430 UNID, v.weak\v.bad fading; hiphop, tk, pop mx. - - - [ cf BORDERHUNTER ]

* * * * * SUN. 01 MAR. 2015 * * * * *

6950 u 0722-0755 UNID, e.weak\fading,ut.,ut. bursts,traffic; mx, harmonica (blues), f'/down to a trace

6849,3 0745-1026 BLUE MOON R., also 1442-1500, 1744. weak\loc.noise; no ID heard, but a repeat.

6070,0 0751-0935 R. CHANNEL 292, good\fading; offshore stories, 0923 rock, ID, "Hall of the mountain king", IDs+@

6875,1 0831-0839 R. EUROPE (E pronounciation), fair\noise?; mx, ID, techno or ut. ?, 0839 tk in it.

6950,0 0836-0837* UNID, mx.
- - All Sunday: loc.noise, typical wood crafter electric tools - -

6305,0 0842-0936 UNID, fair at first\loc.noise; pop-rock, mx, but f'/down to a trace.

6240,0 *0850-0919* R. NORA, \some fax QRM; Black Betty, rock-pops, g's to Klaus, ID, Paranoid, QSO w. Lowland

6250,0 0858-0917 UNID, good\fading; Bzn"Mon amour", more D/G songs - - - [ cf CASANOVA ]

6950,0 0905-0912 ENTERPRISE R., good\QRM ?; mx, 0908 ID+@, 0910 sonar noises, rock

6005,0 0919-0923 R. MI AMIGO INT, mx, tk in E, ID, ann' Fleetwood Mac, mx

6325,0 0935-0935* UNID, e.weak; b.b. mx and end

6299,8 0936-0939 CUPID R., good\fading; techno mx, ID, 0938 ID by W (+other names from FM) [ cf HOBART ? ]

6290,0 0939-0944 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; P.Sarsted"Where.. my lovely", pops. - - - [ cf MISTI ]

6285,0 0942-1120 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; mx, 1110 D folk 'piraat' song, bugles, "R. Ca - - ..a"? bye. [cf QUADZILLA ]

6292,0 1007-1027 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; mx, mx. - - - - - - [cf MISTI ]

6318,1 1012-1018 UNID, e.>v.weak; mx, some folk-C&W, pop. (1028 gone)

7293,0 1021-1022 UNID, (was on 7295), blues, blank, lost. - - - - - -[ cf U-BOAT ]

7300,0 1023-1025 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; mx, cut, blank - - - - - -[ cf U-BOAT ]

6325,1 1120-1125 UNID, e.weak\much loc.noise; mx, tk in E, - - Radio, @gmail.com, QSL..., mx [cf PREMIER ]

6095,0 1126-1403 KBC, v.strong; 1126 rock with storm noise; 1400 Last train to Clarksville, Ron O'Quinn show

6325,0 1403-1925* R. JOEY, fair\PLC, sounds muffled > good\loc.noise; pops, D songs1608 ID, 1917 ID

6249,8 1406-1417 UNID, \loc.noise; mx, folk, "Popcorn"

6070,0 1417,1621 R. CHANNEL 292, 1423 ID+@, pops. 1621-1642 Shaking all over, rock, 1642 tk, pops.

6005,0 1424-1432 UNID, fair\fading,loc.noise; Voyage voyage, duo tk in G, mx

7310,0 1432-1433 R. MI AMIGO INT, strong, mx, tk in D, ID (and - - .es)

6950,0 1441-1458 LASER HOT HITS, good\noisy; mx, rpt, ID, "live on 4026 and 6950", Don't make me over
6950,0 1741-1811 LASER HOT HITS, 35" ahead of 4026, 1745 ID+@

6290,0 1508-1508 UNID, e.weak; hip-hop (1607 gone) - - - - - - [ cf MIRABELLE ]

6284,8 1509-1620 R. NORTON, D/G songs, polka, 1619 ID in D. (1649 gone)

6305,0 1612-1614 UNID, D song, D waltz - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf BLAUWE PANTER ]

6305,0 1648-1648 UNID, D song. (1658 gone). - - - - - - [ cf RONALISA ]
6299,9 1659-1707 UNID, pops, D mx, tnx Patrick/UK, IDs no copy, accn, 1704 P.Sarsted hit [cf RONALISA ]

6205,9 1650-1719 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, 1556 Dit ist - SW..., 1709 C&W, 1717 some blues (1719 Iran came on)

6399,9 1722-1736 UNID, nonstop mx, 1735 tk \bad voice, samba, f'/up (1810 gone). [cf CARRIERWAVE ]

4026,0 1742-2111 LASER HOT HITS, mx // 6950 but about 35" late, ID+@. 1944 strong, mx

6284,7 1755-1823 R. GIGANT, strong; "Rawhide" in D, Don't let me be misunderstood, varying mod. level, parts of pops, 1803 tk over "If I were a rich man", 1805 ID, over "Light my fire", more parts, 1820 Troggs"Wild thing", tk in D

6390,0 1815-1819* UNID, messing with parts of pop-rock from the 60s, sudden s/off

6382,0 1930-1941* UNID, strong; Elvis ? and same epoch mx, sudden s/off.

6950,0 2119-2137 ENTERPRISE R., e.weak; mx, 2127 unclear ID, 2136 ID+@hotmail, mx

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.

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